Regulatory Branch

  • GP-4

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, St. Louis District HAS RE-ISSUED general permit CEMVS-GP-4 for construction, placement and maintenance of small fixed or floating boat docks, associated dock structures, and minor discharges up to 25 cubic yards, including excavation within the navigable and historically navigable rivers in the State of Missouri, including the Missouri River, Mississippi River and Navigable/Historically Navigable portions of The Meramec, Femme Osage and Salt Rivers within the St. Louis District Regulatory Boundary.

  • P-2936

    Expiration date: 12/29/2015

    The applicant, St. Louis District, Corps of Engineers, is seeking authorization to correct a deficiency in the design of underseepage controls in the Mel Price section of the Wood River levee system, Madison County, Illinois. Uncontrolled underseepage and conveyance of earthen materials that form the foundation of the levee are occurring, and the potential for levee failure is a major problem. The proposed work is part of an overall deficiency correction and reconstruction of several project features. The public notices details issues, corrective actions, impacts, and mitigation for the proposed project. In addition, the public notice contains a hyper link to the environmental assessment completed by the St. Louis District Environmental Branch for the proposed work. The public notice opens December 8, 2015 and closes December 29, 2015.

  • P-2934

    Expiration date: 11/30/2015

    The applicant, Kinder Morgan Inc., seeks to revise the fleeting specified in the original permit agreement, to that of the current attached proposal. The public notice depicts fleeting configurations for river levels both above and below 9 feet on the Chester Gage reading. The public notice is seeking comment on the changes to the previously authorized fleeting configurations. The project is located on the left descending bank of Mississippi River mile 98.5.

  • P-2933

    Expiration date: 11/17/2015

    The applicant, Mr. John Sutherland III, seeks authorization to construct a private recreational wakeboard facility at 4140 Old Baumgartner Road, Saint Louis, Missouri 63129. The proposed facility will consist of a weir that directs flow from an epheremal channel into two linear ponds that will discharge to an unnamed tributary to Mattese Creek. The project will fill approximately 30 linear feet of the epheremal channel and 0.69 acres of emergent wetland. The Public Notice comment period opens October 27, 2015 and closes November 17, 2015.

  • P-2932

    Expiration date: 10/13/2015

    P-2932: Cahokia Acres LLC barge anchor fleet near the left descending bank of the Mississippi River, at approximate river mile 175.9.