Regulatory Branch

  • MWAM

    Expiration date: 6/5/2016

    The five U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) Districts in the State of Missouri (Kansas City, Little Rock, Memphis, Rock Island, and St. Louis Districts) are proposing to adopt the Missouri Wetland Assessment Method (MWAM) for determining mitigation requirements for impacts to jurisdictional wetlands in the State of Missouri. The MWAM was developed in response to state and Federal resource agency requests for Corps implementation of a standard tool for the assessment of wetland impacts and mitigation actions to be used in all Corps Districts in the State of Missouri. The MWAM, if adopted, will be the primary tool used for the evaluation of wetland impacts and mitigation proposals for Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (33 USC 1344) Department of the Army permit evaluations within the State of Missouri. A Public Notice for this proposed action is attached to this email. The Corps solicits your comment on the draft MWAM, and its proposed implementation in Missouri. Comments on the draft MWAM can be submitted to Mr. James Reenan at the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Kansas City District, Missouri State Regulatory Office, 515 East High Street, Suite 202, Jefferson City, Missouri, 65101; or by email at Comments relating to the MWAM are due by close of business on June 5, 2016.

  • P-2948

    Expiration date: 5/16/2016

    The applicant, KU Development, LLC. has applied for a Department of the Army Permit for the project known as Haybarn Lane Tract (40 West Luxury Living). The applicant seeks authorization for the placement of fill material into a waters of the United States in conjunction with the enclosure/piping of approximately 1,075 linear feet of two intermittent and one ephemeral tributary to Creve Coeur Creek in Chesterfield, Missouri. The pipe is proposed to allow for development of the 14-acre tract for a proposed multi-family residential development. The Public Notice comment period opens April 26, 2016 and closes May 16, 2016.

  • P-2949

    Expiration date: 5/5/2016

    The applicant seeks authorization to conduct grading and piping operations within waters of the United States to enclose an unnamed intermittent and ephemeral tributary of the Meramec River, for the purpose of a residential development. The project site is on an 8.6-acre tract comprised of woodlands within an upland topography. The site contains two drainages which bisect the site, flowing from northeast to southwest, located in between Hawkins Fuchs Road and Interstate 55, in the City of St. Louis, Missouri. Project impacts include the piping enclosure of an unnamed intermittent and ephemeral tributary, consisting of 910 lineal feet of channel. This will facilitate residential lots, road crossings, and storm water discharge points. Written comments must be submitted by replying to this email or by mailing your comments to the address shown in the signature block, below. The Public Notice comment period opens on April 14, 2016, and closes on May 5, 2016.

  • P2943 to P2947

    Expiration date: 4/11/2016

    Wayne B. Smith, Inc., requests re-authorization to continue commercial sand and gravel dredging in previously permitted reaches and under the same previously authorized quantities, at specified locations near the right descending bank of the Mississippi River, between approximate river miles 277.6 to 285.2, near Louisiana, Pike County, Missouri. The Public Notice comment period opens on March 21, 2016, and closes on April 11, 2016.

  • P-2940

    Expiration date: 4/11/2016

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, St. Louis District proposes to construct the Boston Bar Bi-Op Project as part of its commitment to comply with Endangered Species Act requirements as part of our operation of the Regulating Works Project. The proposed action includes the removal of three existing dikes, notching an existing pile dike, construction of a new side channel enhancement dike (SCED), and creation of sandbar habitat adjacent to Boston Bar using dredge disposal material from future channel maintenance dredging that would occur within the immediate vicinity. Fill material would include approximately 2,114 cubic yards of quarry run limestone consisting of graded “A” stone for the new SCED and the removal of over 58,000 cubic yards of rock for removal and notching of the existing dikes. Boston Bar is located along the left descending bank of the Middle Mississippi River between River Miles 7.6 and 10.2, in Alexander County, Illinois, approximately 1.5 miles northwest of Cairo, Illinois, and 22.5 miles southeast of Cape Girardeau, Missouri. Expiration date: 4/11/2016