Regulatory Branch

  • 2005-45135

    Expiration date: 4/30/2015

    This Public Notice pertains to the Prospectus for the proposed Peruque Creek Stream Mitigation Bank. The bank sponsor, Mid Rivers Investment Group, proposes to establish an approximate 42-acre stream mitigation bank in Wentzville, St. Charles County, Missouri. The bank would enhance and restore approximately one mile of Peruque Creek and its riparian corridor. The purpose of the proposed bank is to provide a source of compensatory mitigation; for Department of the Army, Section 404 permit applicants who are required to offset losses of waters of the United States as a result of their actions. Mid Rivers Investment Group submitted a Prospectus for the proposed bank dated February 23, 2015. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, St. Louis District (the Corps) has determined that the Prospectus generally meets the requirements for completeness as defined in the Mitigation Rule, 33 U.S.C. Part 332.8(d)(2). The approval of the Prospectus does not authorize the construction and operation of the bank. Rather, the approval of the Prospectus authorizes the sponsor to prepare a draft Banking Instrument. If approved, the Banking Instrument will serve as an agreement between the Corps and the sponsor regarding the construction, operation, and management of the bank. The Corps solicits your comments regarding the proposed bank. All comments must be received by April 30, 2015.

  • P-2920 P2921

    Expiration date: 4/5/2015

    The following joint public notice requests a 5 year reauthorization to continue commercial dredging to remove sand and gravel from the Missouri River. Operators within the St. Louis District include the Limited Leasing Company (P-2920, 2011-00177) to remove up to 990,000 tons annually and J.T.R. Inc. (P-2921, 2011-00178) to remove up to 460,000 tons annually. Authorization under Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act and Section 404 of the Clean Water Act would be required. The proposed dredging locations for each company is listed in the attached public notice. The Public Notice comment period opens on March 13, 2015 and closes April 5, 2015.

  • P-2919

    Expiration date: 4/9/2015

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, St. Louis District (USACE) proposes to construct the Mosenthein Reach – Ivory Landing Phase V Project as part of its Regulating Works Project. The Proposed Action includes the construction of four bendway weirs and three dikes. Placement of rock training structures would provide a sustainable alternative to repetitive maintenance dredging. Fill material would include approximately 165,000 tons of quarry run limestone consisting of graded “A” stone. The Mosenthein Reach – Ivory Landing Phase V Regulating Works Project is located in the Middle Mississippi River (MMR) between River Miles (RM) 160.0 and 162.5 in St. Louis County, Missouri and Monroe County, Illinois near St. Louis , Missouri. This public notice expires April 9, 2015.

  • P-2918

    Expiration date: 3/28/2015

    This Notice Announces a Prospectus for the Heartlands Conservancy’s (program sponsor) Southwestern Illinois Stream and Wetland In-Lieu-Fee Mitigation Program. Pursuant to the Final Rule for the Compensatory Mitigation for Losses of Aquatic Resources, referred to as the Mitigation Rule (33 CFR Parts 325 and 332, and 40 CFR Part 230), dated April 10, 2008; this notice announces a prospectus for the establishment of a in-lieu fee (ILF) mitigation program. The Southwestern Illinois Stream and Wetland In-Lieu-Fee Mitigation Program (ILF Program) would operate within the Cahokia-Joachim (07140101) and Lower Kaskaskia (07140204) watersheds, in the State of Illinois. The two watersheds/service areas encompass all of St. Clair and Monroe Counties and portions of Madison, Macoupin, Montgomery, Bond, Clinton, Washington, Randolph and Perry Counties. The program sponsor may request future modifications to the ILF program that would expand the program into adjacent watersheds. Heartlands Conservancy is a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) corporation in Mascoutah, Illinois. Incorporated in 1989, the organization operated under the name Southwestern Illinois Resource Conservation & Development until 2012. The mission of the organization is to provide leadership and solutions to sustain and enrich the environmental resources of southwestern Illinois. Heartland Conservancy focuses its efforts on three program areas: land conservation, building greener communities and engaging individuals with nature. The Public Notice comment period is open for 30-days starting on February 27, 2015 and closes March 28, 2015.

  • P-2915

    Expiration date: 3/12/2015

    The applicant, Rolwes Development LLC, is seeking authorization to conduct grading and filling operations within waters of the United States for a project known as Arlington Heights. The project consists of the construction of a 173-lot single family home subdivision. Construction of the development will impact three streams. The project is located in the City of Imperial, north of the intersection of East Rock Creek Road and Edmar Drive. The project is located in Section 35, Township 43 North, Range 5 East, Jefferson County. The Public Notice opens February 20, 2015 and closes March 12, 2015.