Regulatory Branch

Contact Information


(314) 331-8575

Mailing Address:
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
St. Louis District
Regulatory Division
1222 Spruce Street
St. Louis MO 63103-2833

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Report A Violation

Performing unauthorized work in waters of the United States or failure to comply with the terms and conditions of a permit can have serious consequences, including fines, restoration, and/or referral to the Environmental Protection Agency.

If you suspect an unauthorized activity in an area subject to the Corps' regulatory authority under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act or Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act, or an activity that may be out of compliance with the terms and conditions of an existing Corps permit, please complete the Regulatory Request System (RRS) online reporting form or submit a fillable form to your local Corps office.

Information required to investigate an alleged violation includes:

  • Alleged violators name and contact information
  • Address or coordinates of alleged violation (with directions to the site)
  • A short description of the work
  • Maps, pictures of the work, and any other pertinent information

You may remain anonymous, if desired. Enforcement, as part of the overall regulatory program of the Corps, is based on a policy of regulating jurisdictional waters by discouraging activities that have not been properly authorized and by requiring corrective measures, where appropriate, to ensure those waters are not misused and to maintain the integrity of the program. Procedures for enforcing Corps permitting authorities are found at 33 CFR Part 326.