Conduct Environmental Site Characterizations (with specialties in Military Munitions, Water Quality, and HTRW) through Historical Research and Analysis, Field Inspection, and Data Collection in order to assess Sustainability and Restoration of Civil Works and Military Projects.
The Environmental and Muntions Branch (EC-E) consists of a multi-disciplined staff of professionals with over 350 man-years of experience in archival research and analysis, plus over 100 additional man-years in military munitions. The teams maintain Secret and Top Secret Clearances and include:
• Historians and Military Researchers (with particular expertise at National Archives and Records Administration NARA and Federal Records Centers.) Several researchers have accumulated over 10,000 hours at NARA facilities.
• Chemical, Civil, and Environmental Engineers
• Environmental Specialists
• Safety Specialists (former military Explosive Ordnance Disposal)
• Cartographers
• Aerial Photography Interpreters
• GIS and CADD Specialists
• Industrial Hygienists
• Health Physicists
• Chemists
• Technical Writers and Editors
• Support Staff (Program Analyst & Project Assistant)
The Research and Technical Services Section has completed work for all 22 of the Corps of Engineers military FUDS Districts, Headquarters Corps of Engineers, and the Environmental and Munitions Center of Expertise (EMCX) in both Huntsville and Omaha. Additionally the EC-ER team has conducted work on dozens of active and BRAC installations for the Air Force, Army, and Marine Corps. Other special Investigations have been undertaken on behalf of:
• U.S. Army Center of Military History
• U.S. Army Environmental Command
• U.S. Army Forces Command (FORSCOM)
• U.S. Army Inspector General’s office
• U.S. Army Joint Munitions Command (JMC)
• U.S. Army Program Manager for Chemical Demilitarization
• Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army (Environment, Safety and Occupational Health) DASA (ESOH)
• Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Army for Manpower and Reserve Affairs ASA (M&RA)
• U.S. Air Force Real Property Agency (AFRPA)
• U.S. Air Force Safety Center (AFSC)
• U.S. Coast Guard
• U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
• National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)