Expiration date: 1/10/2019
Illinois-American Water Company (ILWA) seeks authorization to expand their existing East Saint Louis water treatment facility (ESLWTF). ILWA purposes to install a new ultraviolet (UV) disinfection system along with a transfer pump station, 2 finished water storage tanks, high service pump station, and associated parking lots and driveways. This expansion will cover approximately 7.8-acres immediately south of the existing plant. The applicant proposes to build the new structures in an area with delineated forested wetland. The work will include clearing trees and grading to raise the ground elevation at each structure. The tree clearing will begin as soon as all authorizations are received and is proposed to be completed by March 31, 2019. The grading and construction of the structures are scheduled to begin in March 2019 with construction continuing until mid-2021.
The project proposes to impact 5-acres of forested wetland. The entire 5-acres contains hydric soils, hydric vegetation and is a neighboring waters of the Mississippi River. Illinois-American Water Company has researched alternatives and has attempted to minimize impacts to the wetlands. However, the applicant stated that the impacts are unavoidable due to the need to utilize and develop the site abutting their existing facility. The applicant is exploring mitigation options within approved wetland mitigation banks.
The site is located at Illinois-American Water’s East St. Louis Water Treatment Plant, southeast of the Stan Musial Veterans Memorial Bridge. The project site address is 800 North Front Street, East St. Louis, Illinois. The project is located in the Northeast ¼ of Section 11, Township 02 North, Range 10 West, St. Clair County.
The Public Notice comment period opens on December 21, 2018, and closes on January 10, 2019.