Regulatory Branch

Archive: 2023
  • 2023-704

    Expiration date: 12/31/2023

    The applicant, American River Transportation Co. (ARTCO), proposes two fleets, up and downstream of the Merchants Bridge in St. Louis County, Missouri, respectively. Both proposed fleets will be 5 barges wide by 3 barges long, for a total of 15 barges each (including captive barges). The project is located in Section 05, Township 02 South, Range 11 West, St. Louis County, Missouri. The proposed activities would be conducted along the right descending bank of the Mississippi River at approximate river mile 183.3, above the confluence of the Ohio River.

  • 2018-351

    Expiration date: 10/25/2023

    Applicant seeks to modify impacts previously authorized in January of 2020. The proposed project includes the construction of a 94-acre development near the intersection of Interstate 55 and Illinois Highway 143 in Edwardsville, Illinois. The project will include the construction of a retail/commercial development, along with associated roadways and infrastructure. The original authorization was for a 24-acre development – while the current proposal seeks to develop the entire parcel to support the adjacent sports park. The project is in Section 20, Township 4 North, Range 7 West, 3rd Principal Meridian, Madison County, Illinois. Latitude: 38.793496, Longitude: -89.899679. The Public Notice comment period is open from October 4, 2023 through October 25, 2023.

  • Missouri Stream Mitigation Method 2023

    Expiration date: 8/31/2033

    With this notice, the Corps is announcing the final September 2023 MSMM and will begin using it immediately subject to the transition provisions described below.

  • 2023-455

    Expiration date: 9/30/2023

    SCF Lewis & Clark Fleeting has proposed a 32 barge fleet immediately upstream of the Stan Musial Veterans Memorial Bridge, along the left descending bank of the Mississippi River, at approximate river mile 181.45, near Brooklyn, in St. Clair County, Illinois.

  • MVS-2022-728

    Expiration date: 7/22/2023

    Umbrella Mitigation Banking Programs (UMBP) are one of several practicable options available to applicants to compensate for unavoidable impacts to waters of the United States that are associated with permits issued under the authority of Sections 404 and 401 of the Clean Water Act and Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899. The accompanying WFI-B UMBP prospectus outlines the circumstances and manner in which this program will provide a compensatory mitigation option to permit applicants under the Corps of Engineer’s permit program. The use of the WFI-B UMBP to compensate for unavoidable impacts to aquatic resources is a decision of the Corps of Engineers and there is no guarantee that any individual or general permit will be granted authorization because of proposed use of this UMBP. Therefore, the Sponsor is seeking approval of the WFI-B UMBP from the Inter-Agency Review Team (IRT), which is composed of representatives from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), Missouri Department of Natural Resources, Missouri Department of Conservation, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.