DA Policy Letter 15-01 SBREFA.pdf
NOTE: All Construction requirements awarded to Contractors by USACE must use the Resident Management System (RMS) and the Quality Control System (QCS). The systems provide an efficient method to plan, schedule, and control all aspects of construction. Go to http://rms.usace.army.mil, to learn more about these systems and download the guide to become familiar with RMS. The District provides our own Quality Management training through our Construction Branch.
IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR Current SAM registrants who have a requirement to update data on your SAM record or new registrants:
The notarized letter is mandatory and is required before the GSA Federal Service Desk (FSD) will activate the entity's registration. The Office of the Secretary of Defense and GSA realizes the length of time needed to transmit, receive, process, and approve the notarized letters presents a significant impact on the ability of the contracting activity to make timely awards, but in order to mitigate the concern of fraud, these steps and the time needed for processing, is unavoidable. Make sure you follow the SAM notarized letter procedures at the SAM website: (www.sam.gov), in advance of an anticipated award.