Expiration date: 6/15/2024
In accordance with Federal regulations published in the November 13, 1986 Federal Register, under 33 CFR Parts 325.1 to 325.10, the St. Louis District proposes to issue Regional General Permit (RGP) 36, which would authorize maintenance dredging for certain navigation-related dredging projects and emergency dredging operations performed during low-water and/or after high-water events within the St. Louis District for the Mississippi River in the States of Illinois and Missouri, and for the Illinois and Kaskaskia Rivers within the State of Illinois. This public notice is issued jointly with the Missouri Department of Natural Resources, Water Protection Program. The Department of Natural Resources will use the comments to this notice in deciding whether to grant Section 401 water quality certification. Commenters are requested to furnish a copy of their comments to the Missouri Department of Natural Resources, P.O. Box 176, Jefferson City, Missouri 65102.