Expiration date: 5/16/2019
Anchor Yankers, seeks authorization, under Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act, to continue maintenance dredging operations at the facility in Calhoun County, Illinois on the Mississippi River at Mile 225.2, left bank descending. This proposal is for the re-authorization of the same permit issued to the applicant in August of 2011 (P-2760 Public Notice Issued July 19, 2011). Due to the location behind an island, outside the main channel, periodic dredging of this location is required to maintain an operable depth. No more than 2000cy of accumulated river silt will be removed. This will be done by using a long reach trackhoe on a barge. Material will be removed from the entrance to both ends of the channel behind the island. Silt will be placed in a container on a barge and then placed on the Northwest end of the island, behind the bullnose revetment. This will help to speed up the accretion of material on this end of the island where the Corps of Engineers placed a revetment to arrest erosion of the island. Placement of the material will be authorized under Nationwide Permit #27, just as it was in past years. Nationwide Permit #27 has authorization from the State of Illinois, subject to certain conditions; which will be met. The Public Notice comment period opens on April 25, 2019, and closes on May 16, 2019.