Watch 2024 FUSRAP Open House video! Includes closed captioning

FUSRAP Open House St. Louis Sites Welcome slide with play button. Click to view video.

FUSRAP: Public Participation Slide Show

An excavator operator, Jake Burgus, loads the first railcar during a recent Transportation and Disposal (T&D) campaign from the Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program (FUSRAP) at the Iowa Army Ammunition Plant (IAAAP) near Middletown, Iowa, Tuesday, July 18, 2023. By the time Cabrera Services had completed the load-out Sunday, July 23, 2023, the FUSRAP team had filled 23 railcars with approximately 2,428 tons of depleted uranium (DU)-contaminated soil that was above the remediation goal. The team dispatched the railcars to U.S. Ecology-Michigan, a licensed, out-of-state disposal facility.
Iowa Army Ammunition Plant (IAAAP) project manager Mike Kessler explains the soil-sorting process to the director of the Department of Energy’s Office of Legacy Management, Carmelo Melendez, and his associate, Gwen Hooten, at IAAAP in Middleton, Iowa, Sept. 9. Hooten is DOE-LM’s CERCLA/RCRA/FUSRAP team lead. The Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA) is the law that governs FUSRAP. The Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) governs solid-waste and hazardous-waste transportation, treatment, storage and disposal.
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers' Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program (FUSRAP) is currently remediating properties adjacent to Coldwater Creek from upstream to downstream. In 1998, USACE removed contamination from Coldwater Creek to support the City of Florissant’s upgrade of the St. Denis Bridge over the creek. In 2005, contamination in CWC was removed as part of the cleanup at SLAPS.
The approach to Coldwater Creek is to first eliminate the sources of contamination. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is currently remediating properties adjacent to CWC from upstream to downstream.
The St. Louis Downtown Site (SLDS) is located in an industrial area on the eastern edge of St. Louis, just 300 feet west of the Mississippi River. About 11 miles southeast of the St. Louis Lambert International Airport, SLDS is comprised of approximately 210 acres of land, which includes Mallinckrodt Inc. (formerly Mallinckrodt Chemical Works) and 38 surrounding vicinity properties (VPs).
Workers conduct remedial activities on one of the St. Louis Airport Site Vicinity Properties.

Public Participation

Check here for upcoming community-engagement dates, including Citizens Outreach and the FUSRAP Open House (see slide presentation below), when information becomes available! 

Effective communication between the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) and the public (government officials, interest groups, area residents) encourages understanding and knowledge of FUSRAP activities, minimizing or avoiding rumors and misinformation.

USACE has developed a community relations program designed to involve the public in activities and decisions related to the cleanup of St. Louis FUSRAP Sites. This public-involvement program attempts to include community residents living near these sites in the decision-making process by:

• providing opportunities for citizens to express comments and concerns and to provide input into technical decisions
• informing the public of planned or ongoing actions
• identifying and resolving conflicts
• facilitating community relations planning.

To accomplish these objectives, USACE developed several activities to encourage community involvement.

Information Repositories USACE established Information Repositories for FUSRAP. These Information Repositories consist of either an Administrative Record or an Administrative Record File and have been established to offer the community access to site-related information. Information sources — such as the documents used to select a cleanup method, documents regarding site activities and general Superfund information — are placed in the Administrative Record or Administrative Record File. The information is available to the public so that they may make informed comments on the selection of a final site remedy. More information about the Administrative Record and/or Administrative Record Files is available online. 

The Administrative Record locations are listed below:

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, St Louis District
FUSRAP Area Office
114 James S. McDonnell Blvd.
Hazelwood, MO 63042-3102

Can normally be viewed Monday through Thursday by appointment from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. by scheduling an appointment by calling 314-260-3905. 

St. Louis Public Library
Government Information Room
1302 Olive St.
St. Louis, MO 63103

The Administrative Record Index and the Administrative Record on CD can be viewed by appointment at the library. If you would like to view the contents of the hard-copy binder, you must give at least one day's notice so it can be moved into the Government Information Room from an off-site location.

Schedule an appointment with Jason Sutterfield at 314-539-0375.

Community Relations Plan/Community Involvement Plan

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers developed a Community Relations Plan (CRP) based on information gathered from discussions with members of the community on how they would like to be involved in the remediation of these sites. The Community Relations Plan, now called a Community Involvement Plan (CIP), provides a communication framework created to enhance public participation. Among other benefits, it enables public participation in the decision-making process to be conducted in as well-informed a manner as possible. USACE will review its CIPs every five years in conjunction with the Five-Year Review and update them as needed to ensure they continue to address the concerns of the community.

Visit the CIP page to view Community Involvement Plans administered by the St. Louis District. (Note that these documents contain many pages of text and photos, and they may require extra time to download. However, the CIP page also offers these documents in their component parts, which take less time to load individually than the complete CIP document would.)


USACE publishes a newsletter twice a year to inform the community of the status and progress of work at the St. Louis Sites. Upcoming events, public meetings and recently released documents that are available for public review are also announced in the newsletter. Copies are forwarded to individuals on a FUSRAP mailing list and placed in local repositories and with the Administrative Record or Administrative Record File. Copies of the newsletters are also available online along with instructions for adding your name to the mailing list.


Informational products USACE develops informational products designed to summarize specific cleanup topics and activities, which may include fact sheets, brochures and presentations. Posters, exhibits and photos are also used to provide easy-to-understand illustrations of cleanup activities. Many but not all of the fact sheets developed can be found on this website. (For Fact Sheets, scroll down to the Fact Sheets heading on the FUSRAP homepage.)

Educational outreach

Educational-outreach activities have been designed for students of all ages. USACE continues to offer to give presentations to groups, schools and associations. If you would like to hear from one of FUSRAP's experts in the field of management, engineering, geology, chemistry, physics or industrial hygiene, contact the St. Louis District, FUSRAP Area Office, at 314-260-3905.

Public meetings

Normally held once a year, public meetings (open to interested citizens) provide members of the community the opportunity to discuss environmental issues with USACE staff and/or technical experts. Meeting dates and times are published in advance on the website and in the newsletter put out by the FUSRAP Area Office on James S. McDonnell Boulevard in Hazelwood, Missouri.

FUSRAP holds public meetings to inform the public about progress and upcoming work on its sites. 

Meeting presentations

FUSRAP Open House slide deck – June 12, 2024 

FUSRAP Open House event recording – June 12, 2024

FUSRAP Open House St. Louis Sites Welcome slide with play button. Click to view video.

FUSRAP Open House event recording – June 8, 2023

FUSRAP Open House Welcome slide with play button. Click to view video.

Transcription of June 8, 2023, Question-and-Answer Session With Follow-ups/Updates 

FUSRAP Open House event recording – Nov. 17, 2022

At left in a vertical blue bar, logo of white castle on red (rounded rectangle) background that includes a white border slightly within the red background. Underneath are these words in white lettering: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, St. Louis District (first element), FUSRAP – Jana School (second line), Questions? (third line). At right, in the main field of white in blue lettering, Town-hall Meeting on Preliminary Results of Additional Testing. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), St. Louis District, Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program (FUSRAP) conducted additional testing of Jana Elementary School, starting Oct. 24, 2022. The FUSRAP team shared its preliminary results during the town-hall meeting Thursday, Nov. 17, 2022. Click to view video.

Transcript of Nov. 17, 2022, town-hall meeting on preliminary results of additional Jana testing

Virtual FUSRAP Open House event recording – Sept. 20, 2022 

Virtual FUSRAP Open House title slide with play button. Click to view 2022 video.


Virtual FUSRAP Open House event recording – Nov. 16, 2021

Virtual FUSRAP Open House title slide with play button. Click to view video.

Transcription of Nov. 16, 2021, Question-and-Answer Session With Follow-ups/Updates

Virtual FUSRAP Open House web presence – July 31, 2020, through March 11, 2021

FUSRAP Open House ​ Feb. 28, 2019: Program Manager's Report

FUSRAP Public Meeting Feb. 22, 2018: FUSRAP Presentation  

FUSRAP Public Meeting Feb. 22, 2018: MDNR Presentation


FUSRAP Public Meeting – Feb. 16, 2017: Palm Drive Properties Update

FUSRAP Public Meeting – June 29, 2016: Status Update Presentation

FUSRAP Public Meeting – June 29, 2016: Air Dispersion Presentation

FUSRAP Oversight Committee – Feb. 17, 2016

FUSRAP Public Meeting – Dec. 9, 2015

FUSRAP Oversight Committee – Aug. 20, 2015



St. Louis District Sites

More about FUSRAP

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FUSRAP Mission

Protect human health and the environment.

Execute the approved alternative for cleaning up the radioactive contamination above health-based cleanup guidelines.

Minimize adverse impacts on residents and area business operations.

Return sites for appropriate beneficial use.

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U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
St. Louis District 
FUSRAP Area Office
114 James S. McDonnell Blvd.
Hazelwood, MO 63042-3102