
Fact Sheet

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Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA)

As one of its missions, MCX-CMAC is tasked with the oversight of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers NAGPRA compliance. As such, MCX-CMAC serves as a liaison with 38 districts to assist them in compliance with Sections 5 through 7 of NAGPRA.  Currently MCX-CMAC is working with districts to complete inventories of NAGPRA materials by determining cultural affiliation for collections.  MCX-CMAC makes recommendations on disposition, crafts compliance documents, and coordinates submittal to National NAGPRA.  Additionally, MCX-CMAC assists districts with NAGPRA Section 3 (Inadvertent Discoveries/Intentional Excavations) compliance.

For more information regarding the act, please visit the National Park Service’s National NAGPRA Project website.