Regulatory Branch

Archive: March, 2023
  • 2022-511

    Expiration date: 4/21/2023

    The applicant seeks authorization to conduct grading and filling operations in waters of the United States to construct a mixed use, multi-family residential and service retail development comprising a total of approximately 800 garden-style units with a central club house and maintenance buildings. Future retail development is planned for the northern parcels facing the Expressway. There will be paved access and parking lots, with associated landscaping and infrastructure.  12.96 acres of wetlands have been identified on site.  The project proposes to impact 3.32-acres of emergent wetland for the expansion.  9.64-acres have been avoided.  The wetland is located downstream of Creve Coeur Lake, and adjacent to the left descending bank of Creve Coeur Creek.  Wetland resources on site contain hydric soils, hydric vegetation, and a connection to the navigable in-fact Missouri River via directly abutting Creve Coeur Creek.  Residential One LLC has researched alternatives and has attempted to minimize impacts to the wetland. However, the applicant stated that the impacts are unavoidable due to the desire to utilize and develop the site. The applicant is exploring mitigation options within approved wetland mitigation banks and/or In-Lieu Fee providers. The project area is located south of Creve Coeur Mill Road, north of Creve Coeur Lake, and west of Creve Coeur Creek. The project site addresses are 12000 Creve Coeur Mill Road and 1 Gulfport Drive. The project is in Section 18, Township 46 North, Range 5 East, St. Louis County. The Public Notice comment period is open from March 31, 2022 through April 21, 2022.  You may submit comments by individual e-mail message or by mailing them to the address in the public notice.