Regulatory Branch

Archive: 2017
  • P-3060

    Expiration date: 7/18/2017

    Cahokia Acres, L.L.C. proposes to build a truck to barge transfer facility to transfer grain and similar products. A truck dump pit would be constructed near the existing Cahokia Acres facilities. Products would be transported from six dump pits onto two conveyor belts to be transferred into barges. The barges would be placed on either side of a loading dock in the river. Cahokia Acres would also construct a barge loading dock consisting of four captive barges, held in place by a center loading tower, and upper and lower pipe tripods. The four captive barges, each measuring 35 feet wide by 195 feet long, would form an approximate 800 feet long by 35 feet wide captive dock. Figures 2 and 3 below show the project concept and configuration.

  • P-3056 to P-3059

    Expiration date: 7/13/2017

    The Limited Leasing Company and Jotori Dredging, Inc., requests permit reauthorizations to continue commercial sand dredging activities at specific locations in the Mississippi River, between river miles 201.2 to 218.3 The Public Notice comment period opens on June 23, 2017, and closes on July 13, 2017.

  • P3047 to P3055

    Expiration date: 7/10/2017

    Limited Leasing Company requests permit renewal to continue commercial sand dredging activities at specific locations in the Mississippi River, between river miles 166.0 to 170.9, 171.3 to 176.0 and 182.0 to 185.0. The Public Notice comment period opens on June 20, 2017, and closes on July 10, 2017.

  • P-3025 to P-3046

    Jotori Dredging, Inc., requests permit renewal to continue commercial sand dredging activities at specific locations in the Mississippi River, between river miles 139.0 to 154.0, 154.0 to 170.0 and 170.0 to 183.0 The Public Notice comment period opens on June 20, 2017, and closes on July 11, 2017.

  • P-3024

    Expiration date: 7/5/2017

    ADM requests Section 10 Rivers and Harbor Act permit renewal to periodically conduct maintenance excavation activities within the Illinois River at their existing barge loading terminal. Excavation would only occur on an as needed basis to maintain adequate depths to allow uninterrupted usage of their river terminal. The project area is located in the Northeast ¼ of Section 12, Township 15 North, Range 14 West, at 1673 Growmark Lane, in Naples, Scott County, Illinois. The facility is situated along the left descending bank of the Illinois River at approximate River Mile 66.2. The Public Notice comment period opens on June 16, 2017, and closes on July 5, 2017.