Regulatory Branch

Archive: 2017
  • P-2032

    Expiration date: 1/23/2017

    P-2032 authorized the city of Chesterfield, Missouri to impact approximately 85 acres of wetlands and waterbodies within the Chesterfield Valley. The impacts resulted from implementation of an improvements plan for infrastructure and development. P-2032 expired on January 31, 2015. While the Chesterfield Valley has largely been developed, portions of the project area which were permitted for impacts (and for which the city is providing compensatory mitigation) remain undeveloped. The city of Chesterfield has requested reauthorization of P-2032 under the previous permit terms and conditions, to allow development in these remaining areas. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, St. Louis District solicits comments from the public; Federal, state, and local agencies and officials; Native American tribes; and other interested parties in order to consider and evaluate this request. Please submit comments no later than January 23, 2017.