

Public Notices

  • P-2938

    Expiration date: 1/13/2016

    The applicant seeks authorization to dock three response boats on the Mississippi River at approximate Mississippi River mile 176.6, along the right descending bank at the Corps of Engineers dock at the foot of Arsenal St, City of St. Louis, Missouri. The boats include a 45’ aluminum hull fire boat, a 27’ aluminum hull response boat, and a 27’ fiberglass hull response boat. It is expected that in most cases there would only be two boats moored at any given time. Public Notice comment period opens December 23, 2015 and closes January 13, 2015.

  • P-2937

    Expiration date: 1/11/2016

    The applicant seeks authorization to replace and realign the Pin Oak Road Bridge over Silver Creek, Madison County, east of Edwardsville, Illinois. The existing bridge has been closed due to deterioration of the deck and the new alignment will provide a safer crossing over Silver Creek. The road and bridge will be realigned directly east of the existing road, impacts include 0.65 acres of forested wetlands, 0.41 acres of emergent wetlands and120LF of perennial tributaries. Additionally, the original bridge deck and abutments will be removed following construction to avoid potential safety issues. Silver Creek is a primary tributary to the Mississippi River. The Public Notice comment period opens December 21, 2015 and closes January 11, 2015.

  • GP-4

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, St. Louis District HAS RE-ISSUED general permit CEMVS-GP-4 for construction, placement and maintenance of small fixed or floating boat docks, associated dock structures, and minor discharges up to 25 cubic yards, including excavation within the navigable and historically navigable rivers in the State of Missouri, including the Missouri River, Mississippi River and Navigable/Historically Navigable portions of The Meramec, Femme Osage and Salt Rivers within the St. Louis District Regulatory Boundary.

  • P-2936

    Expiration date: 12/29/2015

    The applicant, St. Louis District, Corps of Engineers, is seeking authorization to correct a deficiency in the design of underseepage controls in the Mel Price section of the Wood River levee system, Madison County, Illinois. Uncontrolled underseepage and conveyance of earthen materials that form the foundation of the levee are occurring, and the potential for levee failure is a major problem. The proposed work is part of an overall deficiency correction and reconstruction of several project features. The public notices details issues, corrective actions, impacts, and mitigation for the proposed project. In addition, the public notice contains a hyper link to the environmental assessment completed by the St. Louis District Environmental Branch for the proposed work. The public notice opens December 8, 2015 and closes December 29, 2015.

  • P-2934

    Expiration date: 11/30/2015

    The applicant, Kinder Morgan Inc., seeks to revise the fleeting specified in the original permit agreement, to that of the current attached proposal. The public notice depicts fleeting configurations for river levels both above and below 9 feet on the Chester Gage reading. The public notice is seeking comment on the changes to the previously authorized fleeting configurations. The project is located on the left descending bank of Mississippi River mile 98.5.