Regulatory Branch

  • GP 4 Missouri Boat Dock proposed renewal

    Expiration date: 2/10/2021

    Public Notice GP-4 (MVS-2021-11): Proposed Reissuance of Regional General Permit No. 4 (GP-4) for Missouri Private Boat Docks, Associated Dock Structures and Minor Discharges in the Missouri River, Mississippi River and Navigable/Historically Navigable Portions of the Salt, Femme Osage and Meramec Rivers. The Comment Period Expires on February 10, 2021.

  • P-3146

    Expiration date: 1/20/2021

    The Bank Sponsor seeks approval from the Mitigation Bank Review Team (MBRT) which is composed of representatives from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Illinois Department of Natural Resources, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to establish the WFI Holdings-B LLC Umbrella Mitigation Banking Program within the Upper Kaskaskia (07140201), Middle Kaskaskia (07140202), Lower Kaskaskia (07140204), Shoal (07140203), Big Muddy (07140106), Upper Mississippi-Cape Girardeau (07140105), Cache (071401408), Cahokia-Joachim (07140101), The Sny (07110004), Peruque-Piasa (07110009), Lower Illinois (07130011) and Macoupin (07120012) watersheds/HUCs, in the State of Illinois. The twelve watersheds/service areas encompass all or portions of the 40 counties within the St. Louis District, in South and Southwestern Illinois. WFI-Holdings-B LLC (program sponsor) proposes to create, maintain, and protect diverse wetland, stream and aquatic systems that provide habitat for wildlife, and perform many of the functions of naturally occurring aquatic systems found in this region. Some of the primary functions and qualities that mitigation banks within the WFI-B UMBP are intended to provide are improved water quality, flood control, aesthetics, species habitat, and a source of groundwater recharge and discharge, among other benefits. In addition, the bank sites will potentially serve as recreational and educational areas for the communities in which they are developed. In addition to the many natural function’s mitigation banks within the WFI-B UMBP will provide, they can be used to provide a reliable source of compensatory mitigation for anticipated adverse impacts to jurisdictional waters and wetlands located within the WFI-B UMBP’s geographic service areas. The Public Notice comment period opens December 22, 2020 and closes January 20, 2021.

  • P-3145

    Expiration date: 1/20/2021

    The Bank Sponsor seeks approval from the Mitigation Bank Review Team (MBRT) which is composed of representatives from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Illinois Department of Natural Resources, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to establish the Swanwick Creek Stream and Wetland Mitigation Bank within the Big Muddy Watershed/Service Area. The primary objective of the proposed mitigation bank is to establish, restore, enhance and permanently protect 8.7 acres of forested and emergent wetlands, as well as enhance and protect 16,273 linear feet of the existing 22,871 linear feet of perennial, intermittent and ephemeral streams and drainage features identified on site. The mitigation bank would is proposed within a 157-acre property with varying topography. The work includes the preservation of Swanwick Creek and the restoration, enhancement, and preservation of unnamed tributaries of Swanwick Creek that have been disturbed by agricultural and silvicultural activities, primarily corn/soybean productions. The conceptual design provides 16,273 linear feet of stream morphology improvements, stabilization, habitat improvement and preservation activities, including riparian buffer enhancement. In addition to stream mitigation activities, the bank proposes to provide an additional 3.79 acres of wetland establishment/restoration and 4.91 acres of wetland preservation. If approved, the establishment, restoration and enhancement activities will be performed generating credits from the environmental improvements and will be available for sale on an incremental basis if the mitigation bank meets its anticipated goals set forth in an approved mitigation banking instrument. Credits from the project are not available for sale until documentation is provided by the bank sponsor that environmental restoration will proceed, and written approval is granted by the Corps in consultation with the MBRT. The mitigation bank sponsor is developing the mitigation bank with the intent to sell the mitigation credits to recipients of Section 404 Permits who are required to compensate for unavoidable and adverse environmental impacts to waters of the United States. Specifically, the waters of the United States that will be compensated at the proposed bank include streams and wetlands with emergent, scrub shrub and forested classifications. Upon request, a copy of the Mitigation Banking Prospectus is available for review in our office. The Public Notice comment period opens December 22, 2020 and closes January 20, 2021.

  • P-3144

    Expiration date: 1/13/2021

    The applicant seeks authorization to conduct grading and filling operations in waters of the United States for the construction of gate closure structures associated with two proposed flood wall/levee projects. The project is to occur along two separate stream channels that flow through the City of Eureka, St. Louis County, Missouri. The first stream channel, Flat Creek, is located to the south of I-44 and flows through the City park as well as near the historic district. The second channel, Forby Creek, is located to the north of I-44 and flows along residential properties and Eureka High School. The City of Eureka (City) is proposing to construct a floodwall along Forby Creek (known as the North Levee) and another along Flat Creek (known as the South Levee). The applicant stated that the purpose of the project is the protection of existing homes, buildings and infrastructure from further flood damages. Written comments must be submitted by replying by electronic mail or written mail to the address in the notice.

  • P-3143

    Expiration date: 1/4/2021

    The applicant seeks authorization to conduct grading and filling operations in waters of the United States in order to construct a mixed-use (office, retail, & residential) development, with associated infrastructure, in order to provide economic development and multi-modal transportation options to complement existing development within St. Charles’ historic Main Street and Streets of St. Charles, while serving as a connection between these areas and the Family Arena to the southwest. Proposed project plans include the construction of a retaining wall parallel to Crystal Springs Creek/Bangert Slough, and grading/filling behind it to facilitate construction. The project proposes to impact 15.5-acres of forested wetland, 975 linear feet of perineal stream, & 376 linear feet of intermittent stream for the development. The wetland is located within the floodplain of the Missouri River, along the left descending bank. The wetland is also adjacent to, and inundated by, Crystal Springs Creek due to its connection to the Missouri River.