Regulatory Branch

Archive: September, 2013
  • P-2799a

    Expiration date: 11/8/2013

    Due to the Government shutdown the public notice comment date has been extended to November 8, 2013. The St. Louis District has received a request from the Missouri Conservation Heritage Foundation - Stream Stewardship Trust Fund to amend their In-Lieu Fee (ILF) Program Instrument through the addition of the Upper St. Francis/Castor River Ecological Drainage Unit into their operational area. This geographic and ecologic based watershed unit would serve as an additional program service area where the Sponsor could assume stream mitigation obligations on behalf of Department of the Army permit recipients and fulfill the mitigation obligation through stream and/or riparian restoration, establishment, enhancement, or preservation. The Sponsor will adhere to the terms of the approved ILF program instrument which governs the operation and use of their ILF program approved on June 6, 2013.

  • P-2850

    Expiration date: 10/10/2013

    The applicant, Lombardo Homes, LLC, seeks authorization for a sanitary sewer crossing and to conduct grading and piping operations within jurisdictional waters of the United States to enclose an unnamed intermittent tributary, for the purpose of a residential development. The proposed project is known as the Estates of Timberleaf-Phase II and is planned to impact an unnamed intermittent tributary of Crooked Creek. Project impacts include the piping enclosure of the tributary that bisects the site, consisting of 1,393 lineal feet of channel and 0.9 acres of open water wetland (pond). The project also includes the temporary impact for the installation of a sewer crossing, which will be returned to pre-construction contours upon construction completion. The applicant proposes to compensate for the impacts, through the purchase of credits through the Missouri Stream Stewardship Trust Fund. The project site is located on a 23.6 acres tract comprised of woodlands and some maintained grass areas within upland topography. The site contains a drainageway that bisects the area flowing south to north, near David Meadows Drive and Gutermuth Road in the City of Cottleville, Missouri. The project is located in section 12, Township 46 North, Range 3 East, St. Charles County, Missouri. The Public Notice opens September 19, 2013 and ends October 10, 2013.

  • P-2851

    Expiration date: 10/6/2013

    Peabody Coulterville Mining, LLC seeks authorization to expand the impoundment area at the existing Gateway Mine coal refuse facility. The permit area for this Department of Army disturbance encompasses portions of Illinois Department of Natural Resources (ILDNR) SMCRA permits #160 and #225 and entirely #426 and totals 107.5 acres (Refuse Cell 5). The purpose of this disturbance is to construct a new refuse cell contiguous to the active refuse area which receives coarse (gob) and fine (slurry) refuse from the Gateway Mine preparation plant. The project will provide for approximately seven years of coal refuse capacity by constructing a cell which will have an impounding capacity of approximately five million cubic yards. The project area is located 2.6 miles southwest of Coulterville, Illinois. The project is bounded by Jean Road, Zeigler Mine Road, and Sarah Road. More specifically, in sections 15, 16, 21 and 21, Township 04 South, Range 05 West of the 3rd Principle Meridian, Randolph County, Illinois. A total of 0.67 acres of wetlands were delineated, including 0.03 acre of palustrine forested (PFO), 0.03 acre of palustrine emergent (PEM), and 0.61 acre of palustrine unconsolidated bottom (PUB). A total of 4,455 linear feet of streams, which includes 1,628 linear feet of ephemeral stream and 2,827 linear feet of intermittent stream were assessed within the permit area. These aquatic features would be filled as part of this project. The applicant plans on providing compensatory mitigation for impacts associated with the Gateway Mine Refuse Cell 5 project at an off-site mitigation area. The off-site mitigation area consists of forested wetland restoration and preservation as well as preservation of 930 feet of Marys River and contiguous forested wetlands and upland buffers. The compensatory mitigation will involve a combination of in-kind and out-of-kind mitigation. Stream impacts will be mitigated by a combination of forested wetland restoration and stream preservation. Wetland impacts will be mitigated primarily by forested wetland and upland forest preservation. The mitigation area is located along Marys River in Randolph County, Illinois, in portions of Sections 9 and 10 (Township 5 South, Range 5 West) approximately 3 miles southeast of the town of Sparta and approximately 4.4 miles south of the Refuse Cell 5 project.