

Public Notices

  • Final Proposed Rule for CWA definitions

    Expiration date: 11/14/2014

    The proposed rule was developed to enhance protection for the nation’s public health and aquatic resources, and to increase CWA program predictability and consistency by increasing clarity as to the scope of “waters of the United States” protected under the Act. The goal of the agencies is to ensure the regulatory definition is consistent with the CWA, as interpreted by the Supreme Court, and as supported by science, and to provide maximum clarity to the public, as the agencies work to fulfill the CWA’s objectives and policy to protect water quality, public health, and the environment. The Federal Register notice is the public’s opportunity to provide comment on the proposed rule. Comments on the proposed rule are to be provided on or before November 14, 2014.

  • P-2877 P-2878 P-2879

    Expiration date: 5/6/2014

    The applicant, the Jefferson County Port Authority has reapplied for Section 10 Rivers and Harbors Act permits to establish three anchor fleets immediately upstream and downstream of the Doe Run facility in Herculaneum, Jefferson County, Missouri (See attachment for more information and location maps). Written Comments must be submitted by replying to this email or by mailing them to the address shown in the signature block below. The Public Notice comment period opens April 16, 2014 and closes May 6, 2014.

  • P-2876

    Expiration date: 4/29/2014

    The applicant(s), the City of East St. Louis, Attn: Deleta Hudson, City Manager, and North Cahokia Real Estate, LLC, Attn: Glen Slay, propose to construct an entranceway from IL Route 3, and an access road to serve the future Port of East St. Louis. The entrance and access road would provide the initial infrastructure needed for trucks and vehicular traffic. The current proposal offers to provide access to a site approximately 54 acres in size. The road would provide access to the site, and while not certain, future development is anticipated to follow. Approximately 1.05 acres of low quality palustrine emergent wetlands will be impacted for the entrance and access roads. The applicant proposes compensatory mitigation for the impacts to jurisdictional features. Wetlands will be mitigated onsite, or off-site through wetland banking. The project is located in the City of East St. Louis & Village of Sauget, St. Clair County, Illinois. Specifically, the project is found between IL Rte 3 and 8th St / Mississippi Avenue and the left descending bank of the Mississippi River between approximate river miles 178 and 179. The Public Notice opens April 8, 2014, and closes April 29, 2014.

  • P-2874

    Expiration date: 4/23/2014

    The City of St. Peters, Missouri seeks authorization to impact specific sections of channel located along approximately 7,829 linear feet of three unnamed, intermittent tributaries for the construction of channel improvements to ultimately increase water quality. The project improvements include stabilization of eroding banks, reduction of soil loss in the channel and storm water runoff areas, and restoration of the riparian corridor. The project is located within the City of St. Peters, Missouri, beginning in Englewood Subdivision, at the intersection of Laurelwood Drive and Gateswood Drive, located on the east of Salt Lick Road, running parallel along Salt Lick Road, to the north of and running parallel along Countrywood Drive. The project area also includes the area south of West Sunny Hill Blvd, running parallel to Gateswood Drive and Garden View Drive and north of West Sunny Hill Blvd and running parallel and north along Inverness Court and continues east through Dardenne Park and the St. Peters Golf Course, ending at Dardenne Creek. More specifically, it is located in US Survey 536, Township 47 North, Range 3 East, St. Charles County. Public comment period opens April 2 and closes April 23, 2014.

  • P-2875

    Expiration date: 4/16/2014

    The applicant, Christy Minerals, LLC, is seeking authorization to mine a fireclay deposit using open pit mining method in jurisdictional waters of the United States. For the proposed construction, approximately 2,265 linear feet of two unnamed, intermittent streams that flow into Elkhorn creek will be impacted. Due to the depth of the fire clay reserves and the slopes required for safe mining practices, the majority of the reserves would be inaccessible due to the location of the streams. The applicant is proposing to relocate the streams for the duration of the mining operation. The project is planned to be completed in stages beginning in August 2014 and completed by August 2019. The project is located at the Christy Minerals, LLC, Clare Mine site, New Florence, MO. The project area is in Section 12, Township 48 North, Range 5 West, Montgomery County.Written comments must be submitted by email to or by mailing them to the address shown in the signature block below. The Public Notice opens March 25, 2014 and closes April 15, 2014.