Expiration date: 8/9/2019
The applicant, Luetkenhaus Properties, Inc., has applied for a Department of the Army Permit for the project known as Village at Lexington II. The applicant seeks authorization to conduct grading and filling operations, over a 53.6-acre property, in waters of the United States to construct a residential subdivision. The plans would include the construction of 131 residential units and include access, roads, parking, green space, and stormwater management facilities. The project proposes to impact 0.41-acres of forested wetland, 350 linear feet of perennial stream, and 992 linear feet of intermittent stream during construction activities. The streams are unnamed tributaries to Dry Branch Creek, which flows into the Cuivre River, a tributary to the Mississippi River. The forested wetlands are abutting the unnamed tributaries. The project area is located west of Highway 61, north of Wentzville, Missouri. The project site address is 1707 Granville Drive, St. Charles County. The project is located within Section 11, Township 47 North, Range 1 East. Approximate coordinates: 38.8432 latitude, -90.8684 longitude. Written comments must be submitted by replying by electronic mail or written mail to the address in the notice.
The Public Notice comment period opens July 19, 2019 and closes August 9, 2019.