

Public Notices

  • P-3137

    Expiration date: 5/27/2020

    The applicant seeks authorization to conduct grading and filling operations within waters of the United States, for the purpose of the creation of a recreational park with an ADA compliant asphalt trail system. The proposed project is known as Kiwanis Park – Phase 2 and is planned for the installation of a trail system with associated tributary crossings at four locations, and disc golf course. This will result in a total of approximately 40 linear feet of Buchanan Creek impacts and 0.88 acres of wetland impacts. The proposed project site is on an approximate 21.5-acre tract comprised of a previously disturbed area, which contains drainage features that bisects the site. The site is located on Trojan Circle, Troy, Missouri, in Section 35, Township 49 North, Range 1 West, Lincoln County, Missouri. The approximate geographic coordinates of the site are Latitude 38.9694, Longitude -90.9834. Written comments must be submitted by replying by electronic mail or written mail to the address in the notice. The Public Notice comment period opens May 6, 2020 and closes May 27, 2020.

  • P-3068r

    Expiration date: 5/12/2020

    This project originally went out for Public Notice on October 31, 2017, however due to length of the duration for the anticipated project and a modification of the finalized plans; You are invited to review and comment on Public Notice P-3068 The applicant seeks authorization to construct an approximate 600-foot long, earthen dam across the western end of a small valley containing an unnamed tributary to Belews Creek. Construction of the dam will create an approximately 9.03-acre lake. A 190-foot drain pipe will be placed under the dam and discharge into the unnamed tributary at the edge of the southern berm of the dam. An emergency spillway is proposed at the southwest corner of the lake and will drain northwest into the unnamed tributary, approximately 200 feet downstream of the lake outflow pipe. Construction material necessary for the dam will be excavated on-site. The revised lake plan is depicted on an aerial photograph and enclosed as Figure 2. Based on the proposed dam height and revised site plan, approximately 1,980 linear feet (LF) of the unnamed intermittent tributary will be impacted by dam construction, inundation and piping. The proposed lake will be constructed approximately 1.8 miles northwest of Hillsboro, Missouri (38.25518,-90.57924). More specifically, the proposed project is located in Section 28, Township 41 North, Range 04 East, Jefferson County, Missouri. Written comments must be submitted by replying by electronic mail or written mail to the address in the notice. The Public Notice comment period opens April 22, 2020 and closes May 12, 2020.

  • P-3083r

    Expiration date: 4/22/2020

    The applicant seeks authorization to conduct grading and excavation operations within waters of the United States to modify an unnamed intermittent tributary, for the purpose of increasing capacity, and to better manage the amount of runoff flowing through residential properties. The proposal plans for the improvements of approximately 600 feet of channel, with a modification that includes the widening and creation of a shallow trapezoidal channel, to contain 15-year and 100-year design storms. The modified channel would have a bottom width of six feet, a minimum depth of two feet, and side slopes re-shaped 2:1 (h:v). Also, approximately 184 feet of 2-3 foot tall modular block wall would be installed along the left descending bank to minimize impacts to private property. The vacant lot located at 6906 Roland Blvd. will be used as storage in the form of a floodplain bench. Additionally, the project involves 1800-feet of new gravity sanitary sewer ranging in size from 8-inch to 15-inch and the abandonment and filling of existing sanitary sewer ranging in size from 8-inch to 12-inch. The proposed sanitary sewer will run approximately along the same alignment; however, along Winchester Drive the new sewer will be placed across an unnamed tributary. Written comments must be submitted by replying by electronic mail or written mail to the address in the notice. The Public Notice comment period opens April 1, 2020 and closes April 22, 2020.

  • P-3118r

    Expiration date: 4/21/2020

    This public notice was originally posted from December 18, 2018 to January 8, 2019. On April 2, 2019 the applicant withdrew their application to focus their attention on the necessary Planning & Zoning approvals needed for the project. On October 14, 2019 the proposed project received approval from O’Fallon City Council and resubmitted their application to the Corps on March 16, 2020 with the same plans as the original public notice. The Riverview Real Estate Company, LLC is applying for a Department of the Army Permit to conduct grading and filling in Waters of the U.S. to support a 44 acre mixed use Residential and Commercial Development. The project will include the filling of the entire 870 linear feet of intermittent Tributary A on-site and the entire 725 linear feet of ephemeral Tributary B on-site, in total filling all of the 1,595 linear feet of stream channels within the parcel. The proposed development consists of three separate land use areas. The northern portion of the tract will support a 13 acre multi-family housing with a center green space/”assembly area”. The majority of the southern portion of the tract is proposed to be a 25 acre single-family residential development. Along Bryan Road 5 lots suitable for commercial developments will be constructed within a 6 acre area with frontage along Bryan Road. Along the southern property boundary, two shallow pond areas that were excavated around 2005 in uplands were found to meet the definition of wetlands. These features are identified as Wetland A (0.24 acres) and Wetland B (0.30 acres), however as they have been man-made and excavated entirely in uplands our office is proposing to not regulate these features. Written comments must be submitted by replying by electronic mail to with "Comment Public Notice P-3118" listed in the subject line or within the email body. The Public Notice comment period opens March 23, 2020 and closes on April 22, 2020.

  • Missouri River Dredging Permit Reissuance

    Expiration date: 5/2/2020

    This public notice described below concerns the proposed reissuance of commercial dredging permits on the Lower Missouri River. APPLICANTS: Capital Sand Company, Inc. (NWK-2011-00361), Hermann Sand & Gravel, Inc. (NWK-2011-00362), Holliday Sand & Gravel Company (NWK-2011-00363), Con-Agg of Missouri, LLC. (NWK-2011-00364), Limited Leasing Company (MVS-2011-00177), J.T.R., Inc. (MVS-2011-00178). The USACE Kansas City District regulates dredging on the entire Missouri River within the state of Missouri. Therefore, the Kansas City District is the permit authority for these applications. Since the project area extends into the USACE St. Louis District geographic area, this public notice has been included on the St. Louis District public notice distribution list. Please review the entire message to find links to the complete public notice document. PROJECT LOCATION: The Dredgers have proposed renewing permits for commercial sand and gravel dredging within five predefined segments of the Lower Missouri River between St. Louis, Missouri and Rulo, Nebraska (approximate River Miles 0 to 498). PROPOSED DREDGING ACTIVITIES: The Dredgers have requested renewal of their Department of the Army authorizations to dredge sand and gravel for commercial purposes from the Missouri River in the states of Kansas and Missouri.