Expiration date: 9/26/2014
The applicant, Capital Sand Company, Inc., has applied to develop, construct, and operate a barge and rail car loading facility. The purpose of the project is to construct a barge loading and unloading facility which would handle sandstone. This facility has two main areas, landward and riverward of the high bank. The work landward of the high bank will include the construction of two storage buildings, conveyors, rail car loading spouts and railroad spur. The work that is proposed riverward of the high bank includes the installation of a dock barge with spuds and the installation of a line conveyor that will carry product from the on bank conveyor system to the surge bin located on the dock barge. The work landward of the high bank occurs above the ordinary high water mark of the Mississippi River in a previously impacted industrial area (quarry). No jurisdictional wetlands would be impacted with this project. The work riverward of the high bank is located in navigable in-fact waters of the United States. The project is located on the right descending bank of Mississippi River at approximate mile 47.1, Scott County, Missouri. Specifically, the project is located on the Thebes USGS quadrangle map, Latitude 37.249 and Longitude -89.478, Township 30 North, Range 14 East. The Public Notice comment period opens on September 5, 2014 and closes September 26, 2014.