

Public Notices

  • P-3109

    Expiration date: 10/11/2018

    The applicant, Delmar Gardens, seeks authorization to conduct grading and filling operations in waters of the United States for construction and expansion of a senior living facility. The development will consist of the addition of a three story building with a partial basement, featuring 120 independent living/assisted living/memory care apartments. The building and associated infrastructure is proposed to impact 915 linear feet of two tributaries onsite. The tributaries are part of the Fenton Creek watershed. The site currently exists as the undeveloped backlot of an existing Delmar Gardens Facility. The public notice comment period opens on September 20, 2018 and closes October 11, 2018.

  • P-3108

    Expiration date: 10/11/2018

    The applicant, the City of St. Charles, seeks authorization to conduct grading and filling operations in waters of the United States for the Cole Creek Flood Reduction Project. The project proposes to reduce the risk of flooding to 11 single family homes and 7 apartment buildings. Approximately 4,000 linear feet of Cole Creek are within the project limits. The project also includes the removal and replacement of two bridges over Cole Creek. The public notice comment period opens on September 20, 2018 and closes October 11, 2018.

  • P-3079

    Expiration date: 10/3/2018

    The applicant, Jan Orf, Ferguson 370 Crossing, seeks authorization to impact 9.44 acres of wetland on a 102.72 acre site for an 1 part commercial development. The project is located at 13860 Ferguson Ln, Bridgeton, St. Louis County, Missouri.

  • P-3107

    Expiration date: 9/19/2018

    The applicant seeks authorization for the installation of a private, recreational boat dock structure along the right descending bank of the Meramec River, at river mile 7.75. The dock structure would be 26-feet in length by 46-feet in width. The new dock will provide three boat slips 24-feet long by 10-feet wide. This will be a floating, covered dock structure, with 4-foot walkways between the boat slips and around the perimeter. A 60-foot long gangway will be secured to a concrete structure or pad on the river bank, above the ordinary high-water elevation. Additionally, two concrete piers will be installed along the river bank, above the ordinary high-water elevation, in which a ⅜ inch cable will be attached and then secured to the dock for anchoring. The boat dock structure would be located near Latitude 38.450346°, Longitude -90.391383°, along the right descending bank of the Meramec River, at river mile 7.75, Jefferson County, Missouri. The address for the property is 1555 Lonedell Road Arnold, Missouri 63010. Written comments must be submitted by replying by electronic mail, or written mail to the addresses shown in the signature block below. The Public Notice comment period opens on August 30, 2018, and closes on September 19, 2018.

  • P-3106

    Expiration date: 9/14/2018

    The Land Learning Foundation (program sponsor) proposes to establish the ILF Program under the mitigation rule as a compensatory wetland and stream mitigation program in Illinois. Funds generated by the sale of credits will be used by the sponsor to identify, plan, and implement various types of compensatory mitigation projects. The sponsor will accept the transfer of mitigation responsibility from permit applicants and will assume all legal responsibility for satisfying mitigation requirements for which fees have been accepted (i.e., implementation, performance, and long term management of specific mitigation sites as outlined in the accompanying prospectus). The ILF Program proposes two types of credits available for purchase by a permittee, advanced credits and released credit. The advanced credits are in-lieu fee credits sold in advance of mitigation sites generating released credit. (See the total Advanced Credits requested by the sponsor within Section III (e) “Initial Allocation of Credits”, of the Prospectus, page 6). The selection of individual mitigation projects, as well as specific project partners, will occur on an on-going basis as ILF mitigation needs are realized. Individual projects will be provided to the IRT for consideration, comment, modification and approval. The Southern Illinois In-Lieu-Fee Stream and Wetland Mitigation Program (ILF Program) would operate within the Lower Kaskaskia River (07140204), Big Muddy River (07140106), Upper Mississippi-Cape Girardeau Rivers (07140105) and the Cahokia-Joachim (07140101) watersheds, in the State of Illinois. The four watersheds/service areas encompass all of St. Clair, Monroe, Randolph, Perry and Jackson Counties, and portions of Madison, Macoupin, Montgomery, Bond, Clinton, Washington, Marion, Jefferson, Franklin, Williamson, Johnson, Union and Alexander Counties. Written comments must be submitted by replying by electronic mail, or written mail to the addresses shown in the signature block below. The Public Notice comment period opens on August 16, 2018, and closes on September 14, 2018.