Regulatory Branch

  • P-2857

    Expiration date: 1/20/2014

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, St. Louis District (USACE) proposes to construct the Dogtooth Bend Phase 5 Project as part of its Regulating Works Project. The Proposed Action consists of construction of two weirs near RM 34.00, four weirs near RM 32.00, a dike at RM 31.60 and two weirs near RM 31.00. Placement of rock training structures would provide a sustainable alternative to repetitive maintenance dredging. Fill material would include approximately 35,000 tons of quarry run limestone consisting of graded “A” stone. The Dogtooth Bend Phase 5 Regulating Works Project is located in the Middle Mississippi River (MMR) between river miles 20.0 and 40.0 in Scott and Mississippi Counties, Missouri and Alexander County, Illinois, roughly 3.5 miles downstream of Commerce, Missouri.

  • Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement

    Expiration date: 2/15/2014

    nterested parties are hereby notified that the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) intends to prepare a draft supplemental environmental impact statement (SEIS) for the Middle Mississippi River Regulating Works Project. The Middle Mississippi River is defined as that portion of the Mississippi River that lies between the confluences of the Ohio and Missouri rivers. The original environmental impact statement (EIS) for the Project was finalized in 1976. USACE has determined that there is sufficient significant new information regarding the potential impacts of the project on the human environment to warrant the preparation of a SEIS. Public Scoping Open Workshops will be held to obtain comments and to receive feed-back from the public on the Draft SEIS and are identified in the Public Notice.

  • P-2858

    Expiration date: 1/9/2014

    P-2858: The Jefferson County Port Authority requests Section 10 Rivers and Harbors Act authorization to create a 60 barge fleet in a six-wide by 10-long configuration near the right descending bank of the Mississippi River, between approximate river mile 152.7 and 152.2, in Section 20, Township 41 North, Range 6 East, near Herculaneum, in Jefferson County, Missouri. The Public Notice opens December 20, 2013 and closes January 9, 2014.

  • P-2855

    Expiration date: 2/10/2014

    The applicant, Pinnacle Land Development, L.L.C., seeks authorization to conduct grading and filling activities in jurisdictional waters of the United States to develop the project area into a multi-use retail/commercial development. The applicant proposes to clear, grub, and fill approximately 15.47 acres of wetland consisting of approximately 3.66 acres of emergent wetland, 2.60 acres of scrub-shrub wetland and 9.21 acres of forested wetland. The wetlands are situated adjacent to and/or abutting the Meramec River and the fill area is proposed to be raised above the 100-year flood elevation. The project area is located between Highway 141, Highway 21 and the Meramec River in unincorporated Jefferson County, Missouri. The Public Notice opens December 12, 2013 and closes February 10, 2014.

  • P-2853

    Expiration date: 11/18/2013

    The project proposes to construct a rootless dike at Mississippi River Mile (RM) 173.4L and place backline revetment at four locations on the left descending bank (L) from RM 171 to 175. Fill material would consist of quarry run limestone consisting of graded “A” stone. The Mosenthein/Ivory Landing Phase 4 Regulating Works Project is located in the Middle Mississippi River (MMR) between River Miles (RM) 170 and 175 in St. Louis City, Missouri and St. Clair County, Illinois.