Regulatory Branch

  • Public Hearing February

    Expiration date: 3/7/2014

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, St. Louis District (Corps), will hold a Public Hearing for two Draft Environmental Assessments (EAs) for river training structure construction activities (Regulating Works) for the Grand Tower Phase 5 Project and the Dogtooth Bend Phase 5 Project. Where and when: In the Library, at the Shawnee High School (Community Unit School District #84) in Wolf Lake, Illinois, February 19, 2014, at 7:00 p.m. Information on the projects, supporting documents, and maps will also be available for public inspection, February 19, 2014, from 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. in the library, prior to the public hearing.

  • P-2854

    Expiration date: 2/14/2014

    The Illinois Department of Transportation, Region 6, proposes to replace the bridge that spans the Illinois River in Meredosia, Illinois. The project involves removing and replacing the existing bridge at Meredosia carrying Illinois Route 104 over the Illinois River in Morgan County. A new structure will be built approximately 256 feet north (upstream) from the existing bridge. Once the new structure is built, the old structure will be removed in accordance with an approved removal plan. The impacts to waters of the United States (WOUS) include temporary impacts to 0.85 acres, and permanent impacts to 2.17 acres, for a respective total of 3.02 acres. The applicant has proposed to mitigate for project impacts at 1.5:1 ratio at the pre-approved LaGrange Mitigation Bank. The Corps will make a determination of appropriate mitigation, upon review of all submitted information. The purpose of the project is to provide transportation facility across the Illinois River that is reliable and meets current design standards. The proposed project site is located at Meredosia, in Pike and Morgan Counties, Illinois. The proposed work would occur on both sides, and over, the Illinois River in Section 6, Township 3 South, Range 1 West. The Public Notice opens January 24, 2014 and closes February 14, 2014.

  • P-2860

    Expiration date: 2/14/2014

    The Missouri Conservation Heritage Foundation – Stream Stewardship Trust Fund (Sponsor) has requested under their In-Lieu Fee (ILF) Program Instrument and corresponding amendment; approval for an ILF mitigation project (SSTF1001) pursuant to 33 CFR 332 and 40 CFR 230 Compensatory Mitigation for Losses of Aquatic Resource; Final Rule (Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 70 Pages 19594-19705, April 10, 2008). The mitigation project consists of enhancing 475 linear feet of instream channel bank and restoring approximately 10.6 acres of riparian corridor. If approved by the Corps, the ILF project will have a total potential credit release of 9,100 stream credits that can be debited by Department of the Army permit recipients. The project is located within the Upper St. Francis/Castor River Ecological Drainage Unit, along Little Whitewater Creek, in Bollinger County, Missouri. The Public Notice opens January 15, 2014 and closes February 14, 2014.

  • P-2861

    Expiration date: 1/29/2014

    The applicant seeks authorization to establish a new surface coal mining facility 4 miles southwest of Pinckneyville, Illinois. The project has 231.9 acres of mining area and 65.5 acres of support area. Two ephemeral stream comprising 1893lf, one 8.24 acre jurisdictional emergent wetland and four non jurisdictional wetlands comprising 1.98 acres will be impacted by the activities. Mitigation will be done onsite with stream mitigation occuring during the reclamation phase and wetland mitigation occuring after the NPDES pond is no longer needed. The project is located on a tributary to Little Galum Creek, in Perry County, Illinois. The Public Notice opens January 15, 2014 and closes January 29, 2014.

  • P-2856

    Expiration date: 1/20/2014

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, St. Louis District (USACE) proposes to construct the Grand Tower Phase 5 Project as part of its Regulating Works Project. The Proposed Action includes the construction of two chevrons and the extension of one dike in the Crawford Towhead between RM 72 and 74. The Vancill Towhead project is located between RM 67.0 and 70.0 and includes construction of 3 weirs, 3 diverter dikes (S-dikes), repair of dike 67.8, revetment at 67.3 and shortening of dikes 67.3 and 67.1. Placement of rock training structures would provide a sustainable alternative to repetitive maintenance dredging. Fill material would include approximately 35,000 tons of quarry run limestone consisting of graded “A” stone. The Grand Tower Phase 5 Regulating Works Project is located in the Middle Mississippi River (MMR) between River Miles (RM) 67.0 and 74.0 in Cape Girardeau County, Missouri and Union County, Illinois near the town of Cape Girardeau, Missouri.