Expiration date: 7/5/2016
The Alton Casino LLC seeks authorization to periodically remove accumulated sediment from beneath and directly adjacent to vessels within the Alton Casino complex. Dredging up to 15,000 cubic yards annually would only occur on an as needed basis to avoid jeopardizing the structural integrity of vessel hulls. Dredge material would be disposed at an upland area, if available, when dredging is required. Open river dredge disposal is proposed as an alternative if no nearby upland disposal areas are available when dredging becomes a necessity. The activity site is located at approximate latitude 38.88959, longitude -90.18711, near #1 Piasa Street in Alton, Madison County, Illinois, along the left descending bank of the Mississippi River, at approximate river mile 203.0. The Public Notice comment period opens on June 14, 2016, and closes on July 5, 2016.