Regulatory Branch

  • P-2977

    Expiration date: 1/3/2017

    14120 Missouri Bottom Road, LLC seeks authorization to conduct grading, filling and construction operations in waters of the United States for their proposed 800,000 square foot warehouse/distribution center for Davidson Surface Air, within a 90-acre site. The project is located in Bridgeton, Missouri north of Hwy 370. More specifically, the project site occurs in Section 19, Township 47 North, Range 5 East, St. Louis County, Missouri. The approximate geographic coordinates of the site are 38.7950° north, -90.4581° east. The public notice comment period is from November 23, 2016, through January 03, 2017.

  • 2016-654

    Expiration date: 11/18/2016

    the Land Learning Foundation has requested approval for an in-lieu fee (ILF) mitigation project in Franklin County, Missouri. The project occurs on a degraded, unnamed tributary to the Meramec River. The Land Learning Foundation refers to this project as the Craghurst Farms site. The project will restore natural stream functions within an approximate 31-acre area, which is currently predominantly used as pasture. If approved by the Corps, the Craghurst Farms site will create a total potential mitigation credit release of 18,962 stream credits. The Land Learning Foundation would make the stream credit available to Department of the Army permittees seeking to fulfill requirements to purchase compensatory mitigation credit, to offset losses of aquatic functions and services. The Corps solicits your comment on the proposed mitigation project. Responses are due to this office no later than November 18, 2016.

  • Regworks

    Expiration date: 12/19/2016

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has prepared a Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (DSEIS) for the Middle Mississippi River Regulating Works Project. The DSEIS is available for public review and comment. A Notice of Availability will appear in the Federal Register on November 4, 2016. The 45-day comment period will end on December 19, 2016.

  • P2972 thru P2976

    Expiration date: 11/3/2016

    Kinder Morgan Inc., seeks authorization under Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act to modify the configuration of barges within 5 existing fleets at their Cora Terminal facility. The project area is located near the left descending bank of the Mississippi River, between approximate river miles 97.6 to 99, near Cora, in Randolph County, Illinois. The Public Notice comment period opens on October 13, 2016 and closes on November 3, 2016.

  • P-2968

    Expiration date: 9/30/2016

    The City of St. Peters proposes to retrofit the existing Sun River Village detention basin to increase flood storage, decrease peak flows with outlet restriction and reduce downstream streambank erosion. Water quality will be improved with filtration through a sand filter in the basin and drain tile that will provide for base flows to the improved low flow channel/receiving stream. A low flow channel/high flow pipe system will be constructed from the outlet of the Sun River Village basin to the existing culvert (piped section). The high flow pipe and stream concept is designed by the applicant to mimic pre-development hydrology, will manage debris load, and reduce downstream clogging, removing potential for downstream floods due to debris jams. The design also includes the creation of stream and floodplain on the downstream segment of the project (Ferber property) to manage peak flow reduction and short-term flood storage. The increase in stream channel length will provide increased sinuosity, will use stable natural channel protection alternatives, will have longer duration base flow and will provide an overall uplift to aquatic stream resource values. The public notice comment period opens September 9, 2016 and ends September 30, 2016.