Regulatory Branch

  • 2017 NWP Final

    Expiration date: 3/18/2022

    On January 6, 2017, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) published a notice in the Federal Register (82 FR 1860) announcing the reissuance of all 50 existing nationwide permits (NWPs), general conditions, and definitions with some modifications. The Corps also issued two new NWPs, one new general condition, and five new definitions. The 2017 NWPs went into effect on March 19, 2017, and will expire on March 18, 2022.On March 16, 2017, the Mississippi Valley Division Engineer approved Regional Conditions for the Nationwide Permits (NWPs) in Illinois and Missouri. These conditions apply to all activities authorized by NWPs. Regional conditions provide additional protection for the aquatic environment by ensuring that the NWPs authorize only those activities with minimal adverse effects on the aquatic environment.The Illinois Environmental Protection Agency and the Missouri Department of Natural Resources have issued Section 401 WQC for a majority of the Section 404 NWP activities in Illinois and Missouri.The 2017 Final Regional Conditions and Section 401WQC conditions became effective on March 19, 2017.

  • P-2983

    Expiration date: 3/21/2017

    The applicant, The City of St. Peters, has applied for a Department of the Army Permit for the project known as #P-28- Jungermann Road Stream and Trail Improvements. The applicant seeks authorization for the placement of fill material into waters of the United States to provide trail improvements and improve hydrology conveyance through the project area. The project plans propose to realign and widen approximately 1,228 linear feet of two unnamed tributaries to Spencer Creek. The Public Notice comment period opens March 1, 2017 and closes March 21, 2017.

  • P-2989

    Expiration date: 3/20/2017

    The applicant, Consolidated Grain and Barge Company, has applied for a Department of the Army Permit for the project known as Consolidated Grain and Barge Co. Ring Storage. The applicant seeks authorization for the placement of fill material into waters of the United States in conjunction with the construction of a grain storage facility adjacent to an existing structure of the same type. The project plans propose to impact a total of approximately 0.79-acres of low quality emergent wetland (wetland A = 0.42 acres + wetland B = 0.37 acres) that is dominated by Ambrosia trifida L. (Giant Ragweed).The project is located northwest of the City of Cahokia, IL along the Mississippi River. More specifically, the project area is located in Section 3, Township 1 North, Range 10 West, St. Clair County, Illinois. The public notice opens February 27, 2017 and closes on March 20, 2017.

  • P-2984

    Expiration date: 3/16/2017

    The applicant, St. Louis County Parks, has applied for a Department of the Army Permit for the project known as The Creve Coeur Park Soccer Complex. The applicant seeks authorization for the placement of fill material into waters of the United States in conjunction with the development of 13 lighted artificial turf soccer fields, two small youth fields, one champion field, a main building with locker rooms, parking, restrooms and concession. The project plans propose to impact approximately 4.24-acres of wetland (1.58-acres of relatively low-quality emergent wetland and 2.66-acres of relatively low quality scrub shrub/early successional wetlands dominated by young cottonwood). The Public Notice comment period opens February 24, 2017 and closes March 16, 2017

  • P-2985 to P-2988

    Expiration date: 3/14/2017

    Simpson Materials proposes to create four new fleeting areas to support loading and unloading of non-hazardous products at their existing quarry facility. The fleets are proposed near the right descending bank, between approximate Mississippi River miles 156.0 to 157.0, near Barnhart, Jefferson County, Missouri. The comment period opens on February 21, 2017, and closes on March 14, 2017.