Regulatory Branch

  • P-3080

    Expiration date: 3/9/2018

    The applicant, Rockwood School District, seeks authorization to conduct grading and filling activities in an unnamed tributary to Flat Creek for the reconfiguration of the bus loading area and additional parking to support the new construction of a STEM building and stormwater detention basin. The proposed project includes the enclosure of approximately 790 linear feet of an intermittent tributary between the two existing road crossings. Previously, a Nationwide Permit was verified on March 29, 2011 to authorize the piping of 265 linear feet of the channel to support additional parking. The previous impacts were mitigated through the purchase of 1,034 stream bank credits from Fox Creek Mitigation Bank. The tributary has been continually maintained with mowed turf grass to the top of bank for many years and is experiencing bank erosion and sedimentation of the downstream length. The public notice comment period opens on February 16, 2018 and closes March 9, 2018.

  • P-3078

    Expiration date: 2/20/2018

    Knight Hawk Coal, LLC seeks authorization to develop and operate the Blackhawk Mine Expansion area adjacent to the existing Blackhawk Mine, a surface coal mine located in Randolph County, Illinois. The project will include an initial box-cut for access to the subsurface coal seams for surface mining operations. Other phases include haulroad construction, overburden removal for coal access, topsoil and texture soil stockpiling, construction of diversion ditches, construction of collector ditches, as well as, sediment pond and final cut lake construction. The existing area includes cropland, forest/trees, herbaceous wildlife habitat, and roads. The total area covered by the proposed mining permit is 385.0 acres. A usage breakdown of the 385.0 acre permit area includes 226.7 acres for surface mining, 5.7 acres for processing areas and support facilities, 6.2 acres (4.4 acres included in the surface mining area) for access, haul roads and transport facilities, 40.4 acres of soil storage areas, 21.2 acres for ditches, and 89.2 acres for highwall/auger mining that will not be surface affected. The proposed permit area will be impacted by surface-mining operations: including removal of overburden, stockpiling of overburden and soils, the excavation and filling of one (1) intermittent stream 4050.9 linear feet in length, fourteen (14) ephemeral stream reaches totaling 10,337.2 linear feet, six (6) forested wetlands totaling 2.86 acres, three (3) emergent wetlands totaling 0.81 acres and a 0.06 acre unconsolidated bottom (PUBx) wetland. A 100' buffer will protect the riparian habitat directly adjacent to Lick Branch. Compensatory, on-site Wetland and Stream mitigation is proposed as part of the reclamation process and will be completed within 7 to 8 years from the commencement of the expansion project. The proposed Blackhawk Mine Expansion is located approximately 5 miles southeast of Sparta, Illinois, along the south side of IL Route 154. More specifically, The proposed mine expansion area is located in Section(s) 14, 15, 22 and 23, of Township 5 South, Range 5 West of the 3rd Principle Meridian, Randolph County, IL. Written comments must be submitted by replying by electronic mail, or written mail to the addresses shown in the signature block below. The Public Notice comment period opens on January 31, 2018, and closes on February 20, 2018.

  • P-3076

    Expiration date: 2/2/2018

    The applicant, Kirchner Properties Belleville LLC – d/b/a/KPNA, seeks to develop both a residential subdivision and commercial properties within the identified site, West of Illinois Route 127, North of Nashville, Washington County, Illinois. The preliminary development plan avoids any impacts to Dome Creek. The small lake as well as approximately 1300’ of the Northeast Branch of Dome Creek will be impacted by construction of a 3.5 acre lake on the northern edge of the property. The public notice comment period opens January 12, 2018 and closes February 2, 2018.

  • P-3074

    Expiration date: 1/31/2018

    WATCO Companies, LLC., seeks authorization, under Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act and Section 404 of the Clean Water Act, to relocate a barge, upgrade an access walkway and liquids lines leading to their existing Cahokia Marine terminal liquids dock along the left descending bank of the Mississippi River, river mile 178.2 in Sauget, St. Clair County, Illinois. Written comments must be submitted by replying by electronic mail or written mail to the addresses shown in the signature block, below. The Public Notice comment period opens on January 10, 2018, and closes on January 31, 2018.

  • P-3073

    Expiration date: 1/31/2018

    America's Central Port District proposes to conduct periodic maintenance dredging to remove up to 100,000 cubic yards of accumulated silt from their Madison Harbor with associated open river disposal. The harbor is located along the left descending bank of the Mississippi River, at approximate River Mile 183.5, in Madison, Madison County, Illinois. The public notice comment period opens on January 10, 2018, and closes on January 31, 2018.