Category: Lake Shelbyville
  • Lake Shelbyville Quilt Show

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers at Lake Shelbyville will be hosting a Quilt Show from Tuesday, July 8 to Sunday, July 13 at the Lake Shelbyville Visitor Center during normal hours of operation. As a reminder, the Visitor Center is open Sunday through Thursday from 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and on Friday and Saturday from 9:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m.
  • Lone Point Campground Open House

    Lake Shelbyville – The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers will be holding an Open House at the Lone Point Campground on Friday, May 9 and Saturday, May 10, 2014. Lone Point Campground has become a little unknown secret among campgrounds at Lake Shelbyville. The Open House will allow visitors an opportunity to camp at one of 78 sites for free while enjoying some of the renovations within the park. Some of the renovations include a new park entrance and fee booth, electric upgrades to a few sites, extensive campsite and roadway pruning, comfort station painting and reroofing, and a fire pit constructed within the Walleye Group Camp.
  • Lake Shelbyville 2014 Recreation Season Kickoff

    Lake Shelbyville –   The 2014 camping season will begin with the early opening of Area 5 at the
  • Applications Available for Lake Shelbyville Deer Hunt for People with Disabilities and Wounded Warriors

    14-23 Applications for Lake Shelbyville Deer Hunt for People with Disabilities-Wounded
  • 2014 Student Internships Available at Lake Shelbyville

     14-22 Student Internships Available at Lake Shelbyville.pdfFor Immediate Release:12 March
  • Eagle Day at Lake Shelbyville Visitor Center

    Lake Shelbyville – The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is hosting the 3rd Annual Eagle Day event on
  • Campground Volunteers Needed at Lake Shelbyville for 2014

    Lake Shelbyville – The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers at Lake Shelbyville are looking for motivated
  • Early Goose Opportunity at Lake Shelbyville

    Lake Shelbyville will be offering special draw hunts during this year’s early goose season. The drawing will be held August 30, 2013. The dates of the hunts will be September 9, 10, 14, and 15. Location of the hunts will be Wilborn Creek and Sullivan Beach Recreation Areas. A total of 2 blind locations will be staked out at each Recreation Area and two hunters will be allowed per blind location. Hunters for each day will be drawn from the pool of applicants to maximize hunter opportunity. Hunters must provide their own blind and stay within 5 feet of the stake at each location. All statewide regulations shall apply including but not limited to; shooting hours and bag limits.

    Lake Shelbyville – Ten waterfowl blinds will be available on a first-come, first-served basis for hunting at the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ Okaw Wetlands during the 2013-2014 waterfowl-hunting seasons to exclude the first firearm deer season. This includes the teal, regular duck and all Canada goose seasons. High water levels at Lake Shelbyville this summer flooded the Okaw Wetlands not allowing for crops to be planted or moist soil management in the impoundments. The blinds are just emerging from the floodwaters and have NOT been cleaned out or brushed. Maintenance to the blinds may take place if and/or when time and resources allow. Hunting hours will be from 30 minutes before sunrise to 1 P.M. until December 24 (end of duck season) and from December 25 – January 31, the wetland will be open for goose hunting during regular statewide hunting hours.
  • Lake Shelbyville set to accommodate maximum holiday weekend crowds

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers at Lake Shelbyville anticipates a very busy upcoming holiday celebration over the next 10 days. The Lake is open for all visitors to enjoy and should have plenty of water. As of June 28th, and with no additional rainfall, the lake is projected to crest on Monday, July 1, 2013 at 611.5 feet above sea level (referenced to the National Geodetic Vertical Datum (NGVD)). On June 28, at 7:00 a.m., the lake level was 610.40 feet above sea level NGVD, which is 10.70 feet above normal summer pool (599.7 feet above sea level NGVD).