Expiration date: 3/25/2021
The applicant, Holcim (US) Inc. of Ste. Genevieve, Missouri, has applied for the reverification of a Department of the Army Permit for the project known as Holcim Ste. Genevieve Harbor. The applicant seeks authorization for a reverification to continue annual maintenance dredging of accumulated river deposits with no proposed expansion or deepening of the riprap blanketed inland harbor. Holcim would continue to use a hydraulic cutterhead dredge to conduct periodic maintenance dredging on an as needed basis within Holcim’s excavated inland harbor to the original construction depth. Recent high river events have caused fine sediments to deposit within the harbor. Up to 220,000 cubic yards of accumulated sediment material would be dredged annually from within the harbor and transported in a 12-inch-diameter contained pipeline to the existing open river disposal site. The disposal pipe would exit the harbor and run southward on an existing road paralleling the riverbank. The pipeline would then angle down the existing riprap bankline into the river, where it would extend to the point of discharge near the thalwag of the river. This open river disposal site has effectively allowed for the removal of fine sediments from Holcim Harbor since the last permit renewal. At the point of discharge, the pipeline would be located on pontoons which would allow for rapid removal from the river should such action be necessary. A vessel will attend the point of discharge pipeline area at all times. The vessel would monitor radio Channel 16 at all times to remain in contact with mariners. The applicant would coordinate the activity with the U.S. Coast Guard to make notice to mariners prior to each dredging event. During discharge operations, bathymetric data would be acquired weekly to ensure the open water discharge is not negatively impacting navigation. If authorized, the permit would be valid for a five-year period.
The Public Notice comment period opens March 4, 2021 and closes March 25, 2021.