Lake Shelbyville Links


Hunting at Lake Shelbyville

Lake Shelbyville offers a wide variety of hunting opportunities! Approximately 12,000 of the 23,000 land acres at Lake Shelbyville are comprised of Oak/Hickory Forests. View our Lake Shelbyville Hunting & Fishing Map which includes a back page filled with hunting & fishing information on Corps of Engineers Lands at Lake Shelbyville.

Game species at Lake Shelbyville:

  • Dove
  • Rabbit
  • Pheasant
  • White-Tailed Deer
  • Squirrel
  • Eastern Wild Turkey
  • Fox
  • Coyote
  • Raccoon
  • Woodcock
  • Waterfowl

NOTICE - Deer/Turkey Hunters:

Lake Shelbyville is considered a Special Hunt Area for Deer & Turkey. Hunters must apply specifically for Lake Shelbyville Project. A general county tag is NOT valid on the lake project for shotgun hunting.

Important Hunting Information

Expand List item 5801Collapse List item 5801  Special Hunting Opportunities

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers provides special hunting and fishing opportunities to serve a greater segment of the outdoor community.

Hunting Opportunities

Expand List item 5805Collapse List item 5805  Tree Stand Policy for Lake Shelbyville

In order to utilize a tree stand or ground blind for deer hunting on Lake Shelbyville, a tree stand permit is required.

The policy allows hunters to leave one stand up for the season (“Seasonal Tree Stand”) and/or utilize a “Roving” stand that can be left up for a period not to exceed a break in use greater than 72 hours – the length of a 3 day weekend. Seasonal tree stands may be placed 2 weeks prior to archery season and must be removed within 2 weeks of archery season ending.  Hunters wishing to purchase a seasonal tree stand permit ($30.00) must present a valid hunting license before a permit will be issued. Seasonal and Roving tree stand permits may be obtained from the Lake Shelbyville Project Office Monday – Friday from 8:00 am to 4:30 pm. Roving tree stand permits, which are free of charge, may also be obtained at select participating businesses. Hunters utilizing ladder stands are encouraged to purchase a Seasonal permit. A Roving permit is designed for the mobile hunter and requires the hunter to remove the stand from the woods if there is a break in use greater than 72 hours. While a ladder stand could be utilized in this manner, due to their size and weight they are not considered very portable. Because of this, numerous citations are issued every season to hunters placing Roving permit stickers on ladder stands and failing to remove them when not in use. The expense associated with a citation for Failure to Comply with Posted Restrictions is $80.00, which is approximately 2.75 years worth of Seasonal Permits. For additional information concerning the Lake Shelbyville Tree Stand Policy, contact the Environmental Stewardship Department at (217) 774-3951, ext. 7049.

Expand List item 13008Collapse List item 13008  IDNR Shelbyville Wildlife Management Area

Office Phone: 217-665-3112

Address: 562 State Hwy 121 | Bethany, IL 61914

  • Kaskaskia Unit and West Okaw Unit
    • Located on the northern ends of Lake Shelbyville
    • 6,500 total acres
    • Waterfowl impoundments
    • Managed by the Illinois Department of Natural Resources
    • Must have site specific permit to hunt on IDNR lands
Expand List item 5802Collapse List item 5802  Designated Dog Training Areas

Dog training will be restricted to 4 locations on Lake Shelbyville from April 1 - July 31every year. In December of 2006 a public meeting was held at the Lake Shelbyville Visitor Center to discuss restricting all dog training during the spring nesting season. Closure dates would coincide with the Shelbyville Fish and Wildlife Management Area March 31 - September 1 dates. Four designated training areas were agreed upon and a compromise on the dates was reached. The 4 training areas are scattered around the lake and total 1500 acres.

The 4 training areas are:
1. Cornbread Bottoms (South of Bethany) 514 acres; Open to all dog training.
2. Pogue Timber (NE of Findlay) 204 acres; Raccoon dog training only.
3. Houser (NE of the Findlay Bridge) 265 acres; Open to all dog training.
4. Windsor Gun Club (NW of Windsor) 517 acres; Open to all dog training. 

Training Area Maps:
Cornbread Bottoms


Pogue Timber

Woodard Road

Water dog training will not be restricted as long as the dog is worked from the shoreline. Any upland training for water dogs must be done in the designated areas. Adjacent landowners are reminded that it is illegal to allow their dogs to roam unsupervised on project lands at any time of the year.

Why is dog training restricted to certain areas at Lake Shelbyville?

Lake Shelbyville provides important nesting habitat for many species of wildlife native to IL. It is one of the largest contiguous blocks of habitat in Central Illinois and concern over disturbance to nesting wildlife was the driver behind the decision to restrict dog training to the timeframe outside of the nesting season. Lake Shelbyville was the last public property in IL to adopt these training restrictions. For further information on dog training at Lake Shelbyville contact the Lake Shelbyville Environmental Stewardship Department at (217) 774-3951 ext. 7049.

Tree Stand Policy

Expand List item 25939Collapse List item 25939  Lake Shelbyville Tree Stand Permits now available for the 2020-2021 Deer Season

Lake Shelbyville Tree Stand Permits now available for the 2020-2021 Deer Season
Lake Shelbyville – Lake Shelbyville‘s Tree Stand Policy for this year will remain the same as it was last season. The policy allows hunters to leave one stand up for the season (“Seasonal Tree Stand”) and/or utilize a “Roving” stand that can be left up for a period not to exceed a break in use greater than 72 hours – the length of a three day weekend. Seasonal tree stands may be placed two weeks prior to archery season and must be removed within two weeks of archery season ending. Archery season runs from October 1, 2020 - January 17, 2021.
To limit face-to-face contact and the handling of money during the COVID-19 pandemic, Seasonal tree stand permits will only be available for purchase using a credit or debit card at the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Visitor Center located at 1989 State Hwy. 16 in Shelbyville, IL. Hunters wishing to purchase a seasonal tree stand permit ($30.00) must present a valid hunting license before a permit will be issued. Seasonal and Roving tree stand permits may be obtained from the Lake Shelbyville Project Office Monday – Friday from 8:00 am to 4:30 pm. Roving tree stand permits, which are free of charge, may also be obtained in Sullivan, IL at Ace Hardware or Phillip’s 66 (formerly Howy’s Lakeside) Gas Station located five miles south of Sullivan, IL on Highway 32, and Chip’s Marine. Hunters can also pick up Roving tree stand permits at Ace Hardware in Shelbyville.
Hunters utilizing ladder stands are encouraged to purchase a Seasonal permit. A Roving permit is designed for the mobile hunter and requires the hunter to remove the stand from the woods if there is a break in use greater than 72 hours. While a ladder stand could be utilized in this manner, due to their size and weight they are not considered portable. Because of this, numerous citations are issued every season to hunters placing Roving permit stickers on ladder stands and failing to remove them when not in use. The expense associated with a citation for Failure to Comply with Posted Restrictions is $80.00, which is approximately 2.75 years’ worth of Seasonal Permits.
For additional information concerning the Lake Shelbyville Tree Stand Policy, contact the Environmental Stewardship Department at (217) 774-3951, ext. 7049.


Youth Deer Hunt

What is the Lake Shelbyville youth deer hunt?

The youth deer hunt is held annually at Lake Shelbyville during Illinois youth deer season. Youth hunters interested should keep an eye out for applications in the month of August and September. To apply for the hunt, youth must be less than 16 years old during the time of the hunt. Youth must also be accompanied by an adult on the hunt, and be a resident of Illinois. A youth either sex deer permit valid for the year of the hunt is also required. Generally, these are available for purchase in the month of September. Deer camp is held at the Okaw Bluff Group Camp where the young hunters and adults are welcome to stay for the duration of the hunt. Interested participants are encouraged to call our project office at (217) 774-3951 X4.

2024 Youth Deer Hunt Application

Dove Hunting

Please see the below application for information regarding dove hunting at Lake Shelbyville.

2023 Lake Shelbyville Controlled Dove Hunt Application

Waterfowl Hunting

Looking for an accessible & stress free place to hunt waterfowl? Okaw Bluff Wetland might be just the place for you!



Four waterfowl blinds will be available for hunting at the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers “Okaw Wetlands” during the 2023-2024 waterfowl hunting season.  Currently the blinds are in the process of being rehabbed and will be ready by waterfowl season.   

This year’s waterfowl dates are as follows: 
Youth season - Oct. 21-22,
Duck - Oct. 28 – Dec. 26
Canada goose - Oct. 28 – Nov. 5 and Nov. 12 – Jan. 31

Due to limited size of the area, all hunting in the wetland complex will be strictly controlled during the entire waterfowl hunting season. Hunters using the area during the regular waterfowl season are required to have a Special Use Permit in their possession while hunting. To obtain a Special Use Permit initially, all hunters must make a reservation by telephone. Reservations will be accepted Tuesday, October 3, 2023, between the hours of 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Prior to October 3rd, no reservations will be taken by mail or in person. Hunters will only be allowed to reserve one block of dates on this day. The telephone number to call when making reservations is: (217) 774-3951 Ext: 7001. 

Beginning October 4, hunters may secure up to one additional reservation per week for the remainder of the waterfowl season. Additional reservations may be made at one time by calling (217) 774-3951 Ext: 7049 Monday thru Friday, from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Telephone reservations must be made at least 5 days in advance of the intended hunt date. In person reservations will be accepted Monday thru Friday, from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

When making a reservation, hunters may choose which numbered blind they want to hunt depending on current availability. The wetlands will be hunted Tuesday – Wednesday and Saturday – Sunday during the waterfowl and goose season. Hunting will not be permitted the other three days to allow the area to rest.

A $30, non-refundable permit issuance fee per blind will be assessed and collected between the time a reservation is made and the time the Special Use Permit is issued to the hunter. The Special Use Permit will allow up to two hunters to use a blind for a two-day period. All permits are non-transferable, which means the person obtaining and signing the Special Use Permit must be in the blind while the blind is in use. The permit holder may bring any hunting partner along on the hunt as he or she chooses. For additional information along with a map of the area please visit


Deer Hunt for People with Disabilities

Lake Shelbyville proudly hosts an annual deer hunt for sportsmen with disabilities. The hunt headquarters are out of Okaw Bluff Group Camp where hunters are treated to feasts & lodging for the duration of 1st deer season. 

Hunters have exclusive access to recreation areas around Lake Shelbyville where hunting is not permitted on any other occasion throughout the year. This event is put on FREE of charge, but limited spots are available. Applications for the annual deer hunt are available for download in March of each year with an application deadline of March 31.