Category: Lake Shelbyville
  • US Corps of Engineers Preventative COVID-19 Closures

    US Corps of Engineers Preventative COVID-19 Closures Lake Shelbyville – The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) St. Louis District will close all visitor centers, museums, beaches and project offices to the public beginning tomorrow while day use areas and boat ramps will remain open and available.
  • Temporary Closures at Lake Shelbyville for Hunt

    TEMPORARY RECREATION AREA CLOSINGS AT LAKE SHELBYVILLE TO CONDUCT DEER HUNT FOR PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES Lake Shelbyville - The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and Wolf Creek State Park will hold the 30th Annual Lake Shelbyville Deer Hunt for People with Disabilities during the first firearm deer season on November 22-24, 2019. The hunt will be conducted in portions of recreation areas at Lake Shelbyville that are closed for the season. As a safety precaution, Lone Point and Lithia Springs Campgrounds and all of Sullivan Beach, Wilborn Creek, Coon Creek, and Opossum Creek Recreation Areas will be closed to all automobile and pedestrian traffic from 2 p.m. Thursday, November 21, 2019 to 7 p.m. Sunday, November 24, 2019.
  • Youth Deer Hunt Closures

    Temporary Recreation Area Closings at Lake Shelbyville for Youth Deer Hunt Lake Shelbyville – The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is hosting a youth deer hunt at Lake Shelbyville on October 12 & 13, 2019. The hunt is conducted in portions of recreation areas previously closed for the season. As a safety precaution, several recreation areas will be closed to vehicle and pedestrian traffic from 2:00 p.m. October 11, 2019 to 7:00 p.m. October 13, 2019. Areas impacted include Lone Point (excluding the boat ramp and Walleye Group Camp), Opossum Creek, and Wilborn Creek Recreation Areas.
  • Lake Shelbyville General Dacey Hayride

    Lake Shelbyville – Join us on October 10th for the 2019 General Dacey Trail Hay Ride for People with Mobility Restrictions. This event features scenic hayride tours of the General Dacey Trail for all, young and old, who are physically unable to walk the trail on their own. The trailers used for the events are made to accommodate wheelchairs and sitting participants.
  • Lake Shelbyville Youth Deer Hunt Applications

    Lake Shelbyville Youth Deer Hunt Applications Available Lake Shelbyville - The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers at Lake Shelbyville will hold the 10th Annual Youth Firearm Deer Hunt on October 12 and 13, 2019. To apply for the hunt, youth must be less than 18 years old on October 12, 2019 and be accompanied by an adult on the hunt. Applications must be received by 4:00 p.m. on September 6, 2019. Applications can be picked up at the Lake Shelbyville Project Office Monday through Friday between the hours of 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., or online at:
  • Lake Shelbyville Dirtworx MTB Fest

    Lake Shelbyville DirtWorx Mountain Bike Fest Lake Shelbyville – The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is partnering with the Lake Volunteers Association, Central Illinois Mountain Bike Association, General Dacey Trail Mountain Bike Club, and Bike and Hike Effingham to host the 2nd Annual DirtWorx MTB Fest on September 13-15, 2019.
  • Aquafest at Lake Shelbyville

    Aquafest at Dam West Beach Lake Shelbyville – Aquafest at Dam West Beach is no ordinary day at the beach! The event is scheduled for Saturday, August 3, 2019 from 12:00 to 4:00PM. Children and adults of all ages are welcome to attend. There will be no fee for using the beach and facilities the entire day. Activities include water safety carnival games, sand sculpture contest, inflatable water slide, and an appearance from Bobber the Water Safety Dog. All activities will be carnival and circus themed. For additional information, visit our facebook page: @LakeShelbyvilleUSACE or call Lake Shelbyville Interpretive Services & Outreach at (217)774-3951 X 2. -30-
  • Status of Dove Fields at Lake Shelbyville

    For Immediate Release: 17 July 2019 Release No.19-27 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers - Status of Dove Fields Lake Shelbyville - Due to the wet spring, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers was unable to plant sunflowers in time to hold its annual dove hunt. Approximately 10 acres of sunflowers were planted at South Sand Creek Dove Field almost a month later than usual and the flowers will not be mature by the September 1st opener. The Whitley Creek dove field was still too wet to plant when Sand Creek was planted, and it was decided to forego the planting of that field. Once the flowers at South Sand Creek are mature, strips will be mowed in them and blinds will be staked as usual. However, the blinds will be on a first come, first served basis and no managed hunt will be held.
  • U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and Friends of Lake Shelbyville to Auction off

    U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and Friends of Lake Shelbyville to Auction off Impounded Deer Stands Lake Shelbyville - The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and Friends of Lake Shelbyville will hold a silent auction for impounded deer stands and climbing sticks on Saturday, August 10th from 8:30 -11:00 a.m. at the government vehicle compound south of the Lake Shelbyville Administration Building
  • Lake Shelbyville Dove Fields Status

    For Immediate Release: 17 July 2019 Release No.19-27 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers - Status of Dove Fields Lake Shelbyville - Due to the wet spring, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers was unable to plant sunflowers in time to hold its annual dove hunt. Approximately 10 acres of sunflowers were planted at South Sand Creek Dove Field almost a month later than usual and the flowers will not be mature by the September 1st opener. The Whitley Creek dove field was still too wet to plant when Sand Creek was planted, and it was decided to forego the planting of that field. Once the flowers at South Sand Creek are mature, strips will be mowed in them and blinds will be staked as usual. However, the blinds will be on a first come, first served basis and no managed hunt will be held.