US Army Corps of Engineers
St. Louis District Website

Archive: March, 2019
  • P-3123

    Expiration date: 4/19/2019

    The Metropolitan St. Louis Sewer District seeks authorization to discharge fill material below the ordinary high water mark of Black Jack Creek by reconfiguring approximately 1,280 linear feet of the existing channel into a U-shaped concrete lined channel for a project known as Hallstead Storm Channel Phase IV. The proposed creek channel reconfiguration would match an existing 45 foot wide concrete lined channel located immediately upstream of the project. The proposed vertical walled channel would gradually increase from 45 feet wide to 59 feet wide at the downstream limits of the project. At the upstream end of the project limits, the channel walls are proposed to be 12 feet high and would gradually increase to 18 feet high in a downstream direction. The vertical concrete walls at the downstream terminus of the project would flare into the existing banks into a new 120-foot long rip rap or gabion lined plunge pool. The plunge pool is designed to dissipate water velocities before the proposed concrete channel transitions back into a natural creek channel downstream of the project limits. All work would occur within an existing 80-foot wide drainage right-of-way and include improvements to existing storm sewer outfalls. The purpose of the project is to eliminate erosion within the project limits and improve conveyance to reduce potential for overbank flooding. As a result of the flood reduction, approximately 50 homes would no longer be located in the 15 or 100- year floodplain. Authorization for this project was granted February 7, 2006 (P-2481) and compensatory mitigation associated with unavoidable impacts to 1400 feet of Black Jack Creek was completed downstream through the creation of riparian buffer habitat in 2007. The project authorization was extended until December 30, 2015, however, construction was never initiated by the applicant. In accordance with the 2008 Compensatory Mitigation Rulemaking Regulations, compensatory mitigation for the proposed project is currently being re-evaluated. The applicant is exploring mitigation options within an approved wetland mitigation bank. The site is located immediately upstream of Vorhof Drive at the downstream end of a 45 foot wide vertical wall concrete channel that was completed in 2003 as part of the Hallstead Storm Channel Phase III project. Black Jack Creek channel improvements are proposed to continue in a downstream direction and cease approximately 120 linear feet downstream of Hudson Drive. More specifically, the site is located Section 5, Township 46 North, Range 7 East, near Dellwood, St. Louis County, Missouri. The Public Notice comment period opens on March 29, 2019, and closes April 19, 2019.

  • Crooked Creek ILF

    As described in the attached Public Notice, the Missouri Conservation Heritage Foundation - Stream Stewardship Trust Fund (Sponsor) has requested approval for an in-lieu fee (ILF) mitigation project in Bollinger County, Missouri. The project site encompasses a reach of Crooked Creek, a perennial tributary approximately 39 miles from the confluence of the Headwater Diversion Channel. The Sponsor refers to this project as the Collier (SSTF 1014) Site, and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (the Corps) has designated this project as MVS-2018-305. The project proposes to restore, protect, and maintain 5,170 linear feet of perennial stream channel and wooded riparian corridor along Crooked Creek. The restored and preserved corridor will generally extend 125-147 feet perpendicular from the channel banks. This consists of tree plantings and the removal of any invasive species. The stabilization component of the project will restore bank stability to approximately 600 linear feet of channel with actively failing, near-vertical banks. The proposed stabilization consists of the installation of five bendway weirs, longitudinal peaked stone toe protection, and a single rock vane. If approved by the Corps, the Collier (SSTF 1014) site will create a total potential mitigation credit release of 8,770.5 stream credits. The Sponsor would make the stream credits available to Department of the Army permittees seeking to fulfill requirements to purchase compensatory mitigation credit, to offset losses of aquatic functions and services. The Corps solicits your comment on the proposed mitigation project. Responses are due to this office no later than March 21, 2019.