Regulatory Branch

Archive: January, 2019
  • P-3121

    The City of Murphysboro seeks authorization to raise the elevation of the existing access road to the city’s wastewater treatment facility above the 100-year floodplain. The road embankment would be a 3:1 slope. The total length of proposed roadway improvements is 1,350 linear feet. The raise in elevation also requires the footprint of the road to be increased. The proposed project construction includes approximately 38,000 cubic yards of new soil embankment along the existing roadway alignment, construction of a new 16 foot wide aggregate base course, construction of a 16 foot wide oil and chip surface, replacement of approximately 80 feet of 48” corrugated metal pipe culvert and approximately 170 feet of 48” RCCP with flared end sections. In addition, approximately 42 feet of 14” PVC culvert pipe will be replaced with approximately 110 feet of new 14” PVC pipe. The project affects 1.3 acres of forested wetlands by the placement of fill material on both sides of the existing road in places where the wetlands are adjacent to the existing roadway. The entire 1.3 acres contain hydric soils, hydrophytic vegetation, and hydrologic connection to the Big Muddy River, via the 100-year floodplain. The project area is located approximately 340 feet northwest of the Riverside Park in Murphysboro, Illinois. The project area is a continuation of West Riverside Park Road and is located north of the Big Muddy River. The project is located in Section 7, Township 9 South, and Range 2 West, Jackson County, Illinois.