Regulatory Branch

Archive: July, 2018
  • P-3105

    Expiration date: 8/16/2018

    The applicant, Ideal Landscaping, Inc., seeks authorization to conduct grading and filling operations in waters of the United States to expand the existing construction yard. The plans include the expansion of the material laydown and operational area at the construction yard located at 6252 Olsen Drive. The expansion proposes to impact 1.83-acres of scrub-shrub wetland. The public notice comment period opens on July 26, 2018 and closes August 16, 2018.

  • P-3099

    Expiration date: 8/8/2018

    The applicant proposes to construct a new Rural King shopping Center in Warrenton, Missouri. The approximate 10 acre site is located just south of Highway 70. Proposed impacts to waters of the U.S. include 1,084 linear feet of stream and 0.041 acres of wetland to facilitate the development of this center. The public comment period opens July 18, 2018 and closes on August 8, 2018.

  • P-3104

    Expiration date: 8/7/2018

    St. Charles County Parks seeks authorization to mechanically dredge approximately 11,200 cubic yards of accumulated sediment and sand from within the mouth of Hideaway Harbor boat ramp basin (Weber Lake), providing adequate depths for safe boater access from the boat ramp to the Mississippi River. The purpose of the project would be to remove sediments and sand that have been deposited within the boat basin due to the fluctuation of the water levels within the Mississippi River. Authorization to conduct periodic dredging activities would ensure an adequate depth for safe boating and public access to the Mississippi River. The dredge material will be placed on a barge, hauled to the downstream end of Portage Island and deposited back into the Mississippi River near mile 213.0. Dredging needs and frequency are dependent on the Mississippi River’s fluctuation and deposition patterns. Due to the unknown schedule of dredging needs, St. Charles County Parks seeks a 5-year permit authorization to allow periodic dredging on an as needed basis. Dredging activities would occur within the existing Hideaway Harbor boat ramp basin (Weber Lake). The boat ramp and basin is located along the right descending bank of the Mississippi River, at river mile 213.8, approximately 1.2 miles west of Portage Des Sioux, in St. Charles County, Missouri. Written comments must be submitted by replying by electronic mail, or written mail to the addresses shown in the signature block below. The Public Notice comment period opens on July 19, 2018, and closes on August 7, 2018.

  • P-3097

    Expiration date: 8/5/2018

    The applicant, Capital Sand Proppants, LLC., seeks authorization to conduct grading and filling operations in waters of the United States to expand the existing surface sand mine. The expansion would involve surface mining through two unnamed tributaries to Byrd Creek for a total of 2,930 linear feet of impacts. The two tributaries originate within the mine property. Byrd Creek flows into the Upper Whitewater River. The public notice comment period opens on July 16, 2018 and closes August 5, 2018.

  • P-3101

    Expiration date: 8/3/2018

    The applicant(s), Consolidated Grain and Barge, Inc., and Southeast Missouri Regional Port, request permit authorization from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) for continued maintenance dredging operations in accordance with the Department of the Army permits previously received. Public Notice P-3101 requests that maintenance dredging operations continue as needed at the site. The dredged material will be directed into the Mississippi River to its proposed open water disposal site, just downstream of the facility. The disposal site is in the same general location as the currently authorized Corps channel maintenance disposal site. The project is located on the right descending bank of Mississippi River at approximate mile 47.9, Scott County, Missouri. The public notice comment period opens on July 13, 2018, and will close August 03, 2018.