Expiration date: 3/9/2018
The applicant, Rockwood School District, seeks authorization to conduct grading and filling activities in an unnamed tributary to Flat Creek for the reconfiguration of the bus loading area and additional parking to support the new construction of a STEM building and stormwater detention basin. The proposed project includes the enclosure of approximately 790 linear feet of an intermittent tributary between the two existing road crossings. Previously, a Nationwide Permit was verified on March 29, 2011 to authorize the piping of 265 linear feet of the channel to support additional parking. The previous impacts were mitigated through the purchase of 1,034 stream bank credits from Fox Creek Mitigation Bank. The tributary has been continually maintained with mowed turf grass to the top of bank for many years and is experiencing bank erosion and sedimentation of the downstream length. The public notice comment period opens on February 16, 2018 and closes March 9, 2018.