Expiration date: 5/8/2015
The applicant, Duck Club Condominium Association, Inc., requests a reauthorization to contract the services of a hydraulic dredge vessel to remove approximately 40,000 to 50,000 cubic yards of accumulated sediments from the Duck Club Harbor. A 2005 permit authorized dredged materials to be placed into the Mississippi River at an open water disposal site, approximately 300 to 600 yards downstream of the harbor’s mouth, on the riverward side of Perry Island. The dredge material would be placed just outside of the designated navigation channel of the Mississippi River, in waters located in the State of Missouri. This action was previously permitted under permit number P-2006 on August 30, 1996. To this date, only 19,000 cubic yards (approximately) of material have been dredged. Maintenance dredging activities would take place within the Duck harbor, located at 6257 Highway V, in the Northeast ¼ of Section 8, Township 48 North, Range 5 East, near the right descending bank of the Mississippi River, approximately 221 miles above the Ohio River confluence, near Portage Des Sioux, St. Charles County, Missouri.