Regulatory Branch

Archive: August, 2014
  • P-2885

    Expiration date: 9/27/2014

    The applicant, Mr. Brent McMinn, has applied for a Department of the Army Permit for the project known as McMinn Private Lake. The applicant seeks an after-the-fact authorization to conduct grading and filling operations in waters of the United States for creation of an approximately 51-acre private lake. Within the footprint of the lake are two unnamed tributaries to Baltimore Creek. A total of 3,690 linear feet of Tributary A and 1,400 linear feet of Tributary B are proposed to be inundated by the lake and approximately 410 linear feet of Tributary A is proposed to be filled as part of the dam. The project is located north of Hwy 72, approximately 2.7 miles west of Patton Junction (intersection of Route 72 and 51) and 14 miles east of Fredericktown, Missouri. The project area is located in Section 28, Township 33 North, Range 9 East, Bollinger County, Missouri. The public notice opens August 27, 2014 and closes on September 27, 2014. *Note Public Notice comment period has been extended for 10 additional days.

  • P-2887

    Expiration date: 9/15/2014

    The IDNR requests authorization to restore the Cache River's channel bed morphology and other aquatic habitat at select locations between Long Reach Road to the Karnak Levee, between Cache River miles 26.744 to 35.631, west of Karnak, in Pulaski County, Illinois. The Public Notice comment period opens on August 25, 2014 and closes September 15, 2014.

  • P-2886

    Expiration date: 9/15/2014

    P-2886: Lhoist requests reauthorization of previously issued Department of the Army permit P-2397 with minor additions. The proposed barge activities, bank stabilization, dredging and upland disposal site are located near the right descending bank of the Mississippi River at approximate river mile 127.0. The proposed open river dredge disposal site is located along the left descending bank of the Mississippi River at approximate river mile 127.5. All proposed activities are located in Ste. Genevieve County, Missouri. The Public Notice comment period opens on August 25, 2014 and closes September 15, 2014.

  • P-2884

    Expiration date: 8/25/2014

    P-2884: Riverview Commerce Park, LLC, requests Section 10 Rivers and Harbors Act authorization to install a new fleeting facility known as Fred Weber Herculaneum Fleet No. 1. The fleet will include 35-hopper barges in a 7-wide by 5-long arrangement. The fleet will have a maximum area of 245-feet wide by 1,000 feet long. The purpose of the project is to provide barge fleeting capacity, adjacent to the existing river terminal in Herculaneum, Missouri. The fleeting facility would be located on the left descending bank of the Mississippi River, at approximate river mile 150.1, near Valmeyer, Monroe County, Illinois. The Public Notice comment period is open August 5, 2014 and closes on August 25, 2014.