Expiration date: 3/10/2014
The applicant, Missouri Department of Conservation, seeks authorization to conduct grading and filling operations in a jurisdictional water of the United States for the renovation and expansion of the existing shooting range within the August A. Busch Memorial Conservation Area. For construction and completion of the current plans, approximately 1,810 linear feet of an ephemeral tributary to Little Femme Osage Creek will be impacted. Approximately 1,759 linear feet of tributary will be encapsulated into a 1,618 linear foot culvert pipe. Project purpose includes allowing the facility to meet the growing public demand for target shooting and to also improve public safety by having the opportunity to recycle lead shot and to stabilize lead impacted soils. The project is located in Section 34, Township 46 North, Range 2 East, St. Charles County, Missouri.
The public notice comment period opens February 17, 2014 and closes March 10, 2014