Regulatory Branch

Archive: December, 2014
  • P-2912

    Expiration date: 12/30/2014

    The applicant, Great Rivers Greenway, is seeking authorization to conduct grading and filling operations within waters of the United States for Phase II of the McKelvey Woods Greenway Trail Project. The project consists of an approximate 2-mile long paved trail. Construction of the trail will impact five wetlands and includes impacts to three streams. The project is located in the City of Maryland Heights, south of Creve Coeur Mill Road and east of Maryland Heights Expressway. The trail starts at Marine Avenue and proceeds east over FeeFee Creek. The project is located in Section 17, Township 46 North, Range 5 East, St. Louis County. The Public Notice opens December 10, 2014 and closes December 30, 2014.