Expiration date: 4/23/2014
The City of St. Peters, Missouri seeks authorization to impact specific sections of channel located along approximately 7,829 linear feet of three unnamed, intermittent tributaries for the construction of channel improvements to ultimately increase water quality. The project improvements include stabilization of eroding banks, reduction of soil loss in the channel and storm water runoff areas, and restoration of the riparian
corridor. The project is located within the City of St. Peters, Missouri, beginning in Englewood Subdivision, at the intersection of Laurelwood Drive and Gateswood Drive, located on the east of Salt Lick Road, running parallel along Salt Lick Road, to the north of and running parallel along Countrywood Drive. The project area also includes the area south of West Sunny Hill Blvd, running parallel to Gateswood Drive and Garden View Drive and north of West Sunny Hill Blvd and running parallel and north along Inverness Court and continues east through Dardenne Park and the St. Peters Golf Course, ending at Dardenne Creek. More specifically, it is located in US Survey 536, Township 47 North, Range 3 East, St. Charles County. Public comment period opens April 2 and closes April 23, 2014.