The applicant, John’s Boat Harbor, seeks authorization to conduct maintenance dredging operations within the harbor, as multiple high water events, specifically the flood event of 2019, have caused the re-deposition of fine materials within the harbor. Previous permitting authorized the construction of the harbor, as well as subsequent permitting that authorized the placement of materials into the Mississippi River in an open water disposal site just outside the harbor’s mouth. The project purpose is to reissue the maintenance dredging permit previously authorized to maintain the harbor in such a condition that recreational vessels have a safe ingress and egress to the site. The proposed project site is located in St. Charles County at the St. Louis Harbor at Mississippi River mile 231.5 Specifically, the proposed work would occur in Section 36, Township 48 North, Range 03 East, at approximate Latitude 38.876 and Longitude -90.622 (See notice for aerial photo depicting project location). This notice is a Joint Public Notice with MDNR and the comment period is open from August 01, 2024, through August 22, 2024. You may submit comments by individual e-mail at or by mailing them to the address in the attached notice.