The New Bourbon Regional Port Authority, requests Department of the Army permit authorization to conduct maintenance dredging operations within the pre-existing New Bourbon Port. Previous permitting authorized the construction of the harbor, as well as subsequent permitting that authorized the placement of materials into the Mississippi River in an open water disposal site just outside the harbor’s mouth. The project purpose is to maintain the Port’s harbor in such a condition that barges/tows have ingress and egress to the site. The proposed dredging will only remove material deposited by the river and will not alter the previously authorized contours of the Port. The dredge material will be placed outside of the mouth of the marina in deeper portions of the river outside of the designated navigation channel of the Mississippi River, and within the State of Missouri. Specifically, the dredge disposal location is proposed at Latitude 37.96066389, and Longitude - 89.98595000 West.
The project is located on the right descending bank of Mississippi River mile 120.5, Ste. Genevieve County, Missouri, on the Kaskaskia USGS quadrangle map, US Survey 67, Township 38 North, Range 09 East.