Category: St. Louis District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
  • Hazardous Tree Cleanup in Ray Behrens/Frank Russell Campgrounds

    Mark Twain Lake, July 12, 2021 – Due to the storms that took place over the weekend of July 9, 2021, the Ray Behrens and Frank Russell Campgrounds will be burning large amounts of wood debris throughout the week of July 12, 2021. This may possibly extend into the next few weeks. The Frank Russell Campground, Ray Behrens Campground, Warren G. See South Spillway, M.W. Boudreaux Memorial Visitor Center, Spalding Day Use, Bluffview Recreation Area, and H/F 70 have been closed off to all vehicle traffic. Pedestrian foot traffic will not be allowed inside any of these closed recreation areas.
  • UPDATED - Mark Twain Lake High Water Update

    Mark Twain Lake, July 12, 2021 – UPDATE - The Salt River basin that forms Mark Twain Lake is expected to crest on Wednesday, July 21, 2021 at 630.8 NGVD. Normal lake elevation is 606.0 NGVD. You will likely find floating and submerged debris on the lake so please be cautious and always wear a life jacket. All high water boat ramps are being utilized with a courtesy dock in place.
  • Ray Behrens-Frank Russell Closure

    Mark Twain Lake, July 7, 2021 – Due to the storms that took place over the weekend of July 9, 2021, the Ray Behrens and Frank Russell Campgrounds are closed beginning Sunday July 11, 2021 – Sunday July 18, 2021, as a minimum timeframe. Additional delays openings are expected past this date. A large amount of storm debris is in the campgrounds, as well as a lack of power and sewer in the area is currently being evaluated.
  • South Fork Closure

    Mark Twain Lake, July 11, 2021 – The U. S. Army Corps of Engineers announces that the South Fork Recreation Area will be closed to public use beginning July 13, 2021. The area will be closed for approximately four days to accommodate public safety. The boat ramp will be utilized as a staging area to demobilize work barge units used for the erosion protection project, that occurred in proximity to the South Fork Recreation Area. When demobilization is completed and the boat ramp is no longer needed to stage equipment, the area will re-open for public use.
  • Let’s talk about levees: USACE, Levee District, and City of Wood River partner for community awareness campaign

    Often times levees are only talked about during crises. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, St. Louis District, the Wood River Drainage and Levee District, and Wood River city officials are changing that with a community awareness campaign all about the Wood River levee systems.
  • Mark Twain Lake High Water Update

    Mark Twain Lake, July 7, 2021 – UPDATE - The Salt River basin that forms Mark Twain Lake crested on Saturday, July 3, 2021. As a result of heavy rains Mark Twain Lake rose to 626.2 NGVD. Water levels have been receding since Saturday where both generation and tainter gate releases began. Normal lake elevation is 606.0 NGVD. You will likely find floating and submerged debris on the lake as the water continues to recede, so please be cautious and always wear a life jacket. All courtesy docks have now been removed due to lake levels but are planned to go back into service on July 8, 2021. Hunter Fisherman Lot 33 is now open for public use. The area was closed on Thursday, July 1, 2021 because water and debris were blocking access. All restrooms and fish cleaning stations in the John Spalding Day Use and Boat Ramp recreation areas have been opened. All high water ramps have been closed, and normal ramps have been put back into service. The restroom and fish cleaning station has also been reopened in the Indian Creek West Boat Ramp recreation area.
  • Reservations for the Halloween Walk Postponed

    Mark Twain Lake, , 2021 – The U. S. Army Corps of Engineers announces the reservations for the Annual Halloween Walk set to open on July 7 at 9:00 A.M. will be postponed until Wednesday, July 28 at 9:00 A.M. due to a system error within the Recreation.Gov reservation system. This issue is out of the Mark Twain Lake Project Office’s control, and we will be working with Recreation.Gov to remedy the situation. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. If you have questions please call us at the M.W. Bourdreaux Memorial Visitor Center at 573-565-2112 or the Mark Twain Lake Project Office at 573-735-4097.
  • UPDATED - Mark Twain Lake High Water Update

    Mark Twain Lake, July 1, 2021 – UPDATE - The Salt River basin that forms Mark Twain Lake has been subjected to heavy precipitation during the last several days. As a result, the lake level is continuing to rise. It is anticipated to bring the lake’s level up to 628.2 NGVD by Sunday, July 4, 2021. Normal lake elevation is 606.0 NGVD. You will likely find floating and submerged debris on the lake as the water rises so please be cautious and always wear a life jacket. All courtesy docks at boat ramps have now been removed due to lake levels.
  • Mark Twain Lake High Water Update

    Mark Twain Lake, July 1, 2021 – UPDATE - The Salt River basin that forms Mark Twain Lake has been subjected to heavy precipitation during the last several days. As a result, the lake level is continuing to rise. It is anticipated to bring the lake’s level up to 628.2 NGVD by Sunday, July 4, 2021.  Normal lake elevation is 606.0 NGVD.  You will likely find floating and submerged debris on the lake as the water rises so please be cautious and always wear a life jacket.   All courtesy docks at boat ramps have now been removed due to lake levels.
  • Lake Shelbyville Tree Stand Permits Now Available

    Lake Shelbyville Tree Stand Permits now available for the 2021-2022 Deer Season Lake Shelbyville - Lake Shelbyville's Tree Stand Policy for this year will remain the same as it was last season. The policy allows hunters to leave one stand up for the season ("Seasonal Tree Stand") and/or utilize up to two "Roving" stands that can be left up during archery season for a period not to exceed a break in use greater than 72 hours - the length of a 3 day weekend. Seasonal tree stands may be placed 2 weeks prior to archery season and must be removed within 2 weeks of archery season ending. Archery season runs from October 1, 2021 - January 16, 2022.