Posted for review is a maintenance dredging permit request from Lake Center Marina, St. Charles, MO. The applicant seeks authorization to conduct maintenance dredging operations within the pre-existing harbor of the Lake Center Marina. Previous permitting authorized dredged materials to be placed into the Mississippi River in an open water disposal site just outside the harbor’s mouth. High water events, specifically the flood event of 2019, has caused the re-deposition of fine materials within the harbor. The proposed dredging will only remove material deposited by the river and will not alter the previously authorized contours of the marina. The dredge material will again be placed outside of the mouth of the marina in deeper portions of the river with a depth of approximately 25 feet (see river elevations map). The proposed disposal site is not in the designated navigation channel of the Mississippi River and will be within the State of Missouri. The Public Notice opens October 29, 2021 and closes on November 19, 2021.