

Public Notices


Published Sept. 9, 2021
Expiration date: 9/29/2021

The applicant seeks authorization to conduct grading and filling operations in waters of the United States for the expansion of existing quarry operations. The project is to occur at the existing Bedrock Quarry near Troy, Missouri. The project proposes to impact 1,400 linear feet of Sand Run Creek by excavating it to expand the quarry to the north. Plans include permanently relocating the stream to the north of its current configuration, which would result in the construction of 1,410 linear feet of channel. The relocated channel will have a bottom substrate of natural occurring silt and cobble which mimics the existing conditions. The entire relocated section of channel will have rock longitudinal stone toe. Written comments must be submitted by replying by electronic mail or written mail to the address in the notice.

The Public Notice comment period opens September 9, 2021 and closes September 29, 2021.