

Public Notices


Published July 21, 2021
Expiration date: 8/23/2021

Southern Illinois Mitigation Co-op (SIMC) seeks approval from the Mitigation Bank Review Team (MBRT), which is composed of representatives from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Illinois Department of Natural Resources, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, to establish the Nashville Wetland Mitigation Bank within the Lower Kaskaskia (07140204) watershed/HUC, in the State of Illinois.  The proposed wetland mitigation bank is located immediately northwest of the intersection of Route 15 and Route 153, thirteen miles west of Nashville, Southeast ¼ of Section 11, Township 2 South, Range 5 West of the 3rd Principal Meridian, Washington County, Illinois. Approximate geographic coordinates for the site are 38.36677 ° N, -89.61374° W. SIMCO’s (bank sponsor) primary objective for the proposed mitigation bank is to restore, establish, enhance, and permanently protect 56.6 acres of two wetland types (54.13 acres forested and 2.47 acres emergent) that is currently in agricultural production. The work will include restoration of 54.13 acres of forested wetland through rehabilitation activities, 1.25 acres of emergent wetland enhancement and 1.22 acres of emergent wetland creation. An additional 15 acres of existing forested riparian corridor will be permanently protected through the establishment of a conservation easement, but is not proposed to receive credit. If approved, the proposed bank would provide a reliable source of compensatory mitigation for anticipated adverse impacts to jurisdictional waters and wetlands located within the Lower Kaskaskia Watershed’s geographic service area.

The Public Notice comment period opens July 23, 2021 and closes August 23, 2021.