Citizens Outreach Meeting coming Jan. 23, 2025!

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program: You’re invited to the Virtual St. Louis FUSRAP Citizens Outreach Meeting (an update on the St. Louis Sites). Join as guest on Webex (If using smartphone, download app first.), or Use FUSRAP webpage’s clickable image, or (Smartphone? Download Webex app first.), or Join by phone (audio only) 1-844-800-2712 U.S. toll-free, Meeting number (access code): 2825 360 3512; Meeting password: 5XdMJmn5Q$6, or Use QR code at right.

Meeting link won't be active until right before the event. Click here for 508-compliant version.

FUSRAP: Latty Avenue Properties Slide Show

The Latty Avenue Site (Latty) is located in northern St. Louis County within the city limits of Hazelwood and Berkeley, Missouri. Hazelwood Interim Storage Site (HISS) is located at 9170 Latty Ave., approximately 3.2 miles northeast of the control tower of the St. Louis Lambert International Airport and approximately half a mile northeast of the St. Louis Airport Site. Latty is comprised of eight vicinity properties (VPs) as well as HISS and Futura.The residences in Berkeley are southeast of the site.

Latty Avenue Properties

Expand List item 19280Collapse List item 19280  Site Location

The Latty Avenue Site (Latty) is located in northern St. Louis County within the city limits of Hazelwood and Berkeley, Missouri.

Hazelwood Interim Storage Site (HISS) is located at 9170 Latty Ave., approximately 3.2 miles northeast of the control tower of the St. Louis Lambert International Airport, once known as Lambert-St. Louis International Airport, and approximately half a mile northeast of SLAPS.

Latty is comprised of eight vicinity properties (VPs) as well as the Hazelwood Interim Storage Site (HISS) and Futura Coatings Company (Futura). Land use near the properties is primarily industrial; other uses are transportation-related, commercial and residential. The residential areas nearest the property are approximately 0.3 mile to the east in Hazelwood. The residences in Berkeley are southeast of the site.

Expand List item 19281Collapse List item 19281  Site History

NOTE: After Manhattan Engineer District/Atomic Energy Commission (MED/AEC) activities ceased, uranium-processing sites were decontaminated according to the standards of the day. However, today's standards are much more stringent, requiring additional cleanup. During current sampling activities, for example, the FUSRAP team tests for FUSRAP contaminants of concern (COCs) per the pertinent Record of Decision (ROD), but it doesn't test for other, non-FUSRAP contaminants that may be present. 

In early 1966, ore residues and uranium- and radium-bearing process wastes that had been stored at SLAPS were purchased by the Continental Mining and Milling Company and moved to a storage site on Latty Avenue. These wastes were generated at the Mallinckrodt plant in St. Louis from 1942 through the late 1950s under contracts with the Manhattan Engineer District and the Atomic Energy Commission (MED/AEC). Residues on the property at that time included 74,000 tons of Belgian Congo pitchblende raffinate containing approximately 13 tons of uranium; 32,500 tons of Colorado raffinate containing roughly 48 tons of uranium; and 8,700 tons of leached barium sulfate containing about 7 tons of uranium.

The Commercial Discount Corporation of Chicago, Illinois, purchased the residues in January 1967. Much of the material was then dried and shipped to Cañon (pronounced "Canyon") City, Colorado. The material remaining at the Latty Avenue storage site was sold to Cotter Corporation in December 1969. From August through November 1970, Cotter Corporation dried some of the remaining residues and shipped them to its mill in Cañon City. In December 1970, an estimated 10,000 tons of Colorado raffinate and 8,700 tons of leached barium sulfate remained at the Latty Avenue properties.

In April 1974, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) was informed by Cotter Corporation that the remaining Colorado raffinate had been shipped in mid-1973 to Cañon City without drying and that the leached barium sulfate had been diluted with 12 to 18 inches of soil and transported to a landfill in St. Louis County.

Before the present owner occupied the property, Oak Ridge National Labs (ORNL) performed a radiological characterization. Thorium and radium contamination in excess of federal guidelines was found in and around the buildings and in the soil to depths of 18 inches. Subsequently, in preparing the property for use, the owner demolished one building, excavated portions of the western half of the property, paved certain areas and erected several new buildings. Material excavated during these activities (approximately 13,000 cubic yards) was piled on the eastern portion of the property.

An additional 14,000 cubic yards of contaminated soil, from cleanup along Latty Avenue in 1984 and 1985 and from an area used for office trailers and a decontamination pad, was added to the pile. Approximately 4,600 cubic yards of contaminated soil was stored adjacent to the existing pile; the soil had been excavated during road and drainage improvements along Latty Avenue in support of a municipal storm sewer project. A total of approximately 32,000 cubic yards of contaminated soil is stored on the property.

In 1981, Oak Ridge Associated Universities conducted a radiological characterization of the pile and surveyed portions of the northern and eastern vicinity properties for radioactivity. Levels of contamination (principally thorium-230) similar to those on the pile were found in both areas. As a follow-up to this survey, ORNL conducted a detailed radiological survey of the northern and southern shoulders of Latty Avenue in January and February 1984; results indicated that contamination in excess of federal guidelines was present along the road beyond Hazelwood Avenue. Properties adjacent to HISS were also found to be contaminated in excess of guidelines.

A decontamination research and development project was conducted, under the authority of the 1984 Energy and Water Development Appropriations Act (Public Law 98-360), at various sites throughout the nation, including 9200 Latty Ave. and properties in its vicinity. Subsequently, Congress added the Latty Avenue properties to FUSRAP in order to expedite decontamination.

In October 1989, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) placed the HISS/FUTURA properties on the National Priorities List (NPL). This list required the cleanup to proceed under the guidelines of the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA) as amended by the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act (SARA).

In July 1990, the Department of Energy (DOE) and EPA Region VII signed a Federal Facilities Agreement that established a procedure and schedule for remediation of the Latty Avenue properties.

In 1992, an Engineering Evaluation/Cost Analysis (EE/CA)-Environmental Assessment for the proposed decontamination of HISS and impacted soil from three adjacent Latty properties was released to the public.

In 1995, the EE/CA was approved with the modification that any soil excavated under the document be shipped to an out-of-state disposal facility.

In 1996, the owner of 9150 Latty Ave., located to the east of HISS, expanded the facility and stockpiled about 8,000 cubic yards of contaminated soil. This stockpile, known as the Eastern Pile, is located on the southwestern corner of the property.

Until 1997, DOE was the lead agency responsible for the cleanup of the Latty Site. In October 1997, through the Energy and Water Development Appropriation Act, Congress transferred FUSRAP from DOE to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE). Since that transition was effected, Latty has fallen under the responsibility of the St. Louis District, USACE. Cleanup activities continue to follow CERCLA guidelines and incorporate National Contingency Plan, or NCP, values.

Expand List item 19282Collapse List item 19282  Site Progress

1998 to 2005 

Since the transition of the program in fiscal year 1998 (FY98), the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) has made significant progress at the Latty Site. The primary goal for Latty is to restrict the release of contaminated materials and minimize their potential impact on human health, wildlife and the environment.

In 1999, USACE completed construction of the HISS/Latty Avenue rail spur, which is capable of holding 11 rail cars, or 770 cubic yards of material. USACE also completed negotiations with an 8(a) woman-owned small business for a firm fixed-price contract to remove the two Eastern Piles. Also in 1999, USACE also renegotiated the St. Louis Utility Response Plan for all underground utilities affected by contamination from the MED/AEC. USACE trained and supported all affected utility companies. To protect human health and the environment, USACE supports utility companies and other property improvements on properties potentially impacted by MED/AEC contamination.

In March 1998, USACE prepared an Engineer Evaluation/Cost Analysis (EE/CA) proposing to remove the HISS piles and impacted soil from three adjacent Latty Avenue properties until a comprehensive cleanup could be achieved. The proposal received public approval, and plans were developed to allow work to proceed. USACE chose to expedite the removal of the HISS piles to protect human health and the environment.

USACE started removal of the HISS piles in spring 2000. Removal started with East Piles 1 and 2 located at VP-2L, adjacent to HISS. Work continued on the removal of the piles located on the HISS property. Contaminated materials from Spoil Piles A and B, Supplemental Pile and then the Main Pile were removed. Removal of the HISS piles was completed in fall 2001. Over 52,000 cubic yards of contaminated material was removed and transported by covered gondola cars for disposal at an out-of-state licensed or properly permitted facility.

The Record of Decision (ROD) presented the Final Remedy for the site (as opposed to the EE/CA, which presented an interim action.)  The ROD – which addressed not only the St. Louis Airport Site, but the Latty Avenue Site and the SLAPS Vicinity Properties Site as well – was the result of USACE investigations and CERCLA planning activities that had been occurring concurrent with the EE/CA removal action at SLAPS. USACE developed cleanup alternatives and presented them to the public for review in the Feasibility Study (FS) and Proposed Plan (PP) in May 2003. Comments on the documents were accepted through July 14, 2003. The public’s input was considered, and a final ROD (Record of Decision for the North St. Louis County Sites, dated Sept. 2, 2005) was issued in September 2005. The final remedy consisted of excavation to achieve remediation goals:

-          top 6-inch layer averaged over any 100 square-meter area: 5 picocuries per gram (pCi/g) Ra-226/14 pCi/g Th-230/50 pCi/g U-238 above background;

-          subsurface soil (below the top 6 inches) averaged over any 100 square-meter area and averaged over a 6-inch thick layer of soil: 15 pCi/g Ra-226/15 pCi/g Th-230/50 pCi/g U-238 above background;

-          Sediment below the mean water gradient will be removed if radionuclide concentrations averaged over any 100 square-meter area:: 15 pCi/g Ra-226/43 pCi/g Th-230/150 pCi/g of U-238 above background.

-          All accessible contaminated soils/material will be disposed of off-site at a properly permitted facility.

2005 to present

Before any actions are performed on a FUSRAP property, a Pre-Design Investigation (PDI) is performed. The PDI summarizes the existing/historical data, defines additional analytical data needs and determines if residual radiological contamination above the ROD remediation goals (RGs) are present on the property. Once the property has been sampled and completely characterized, a Pre-Design Investigation Report (PDIR) is prepared that documents the results of the PDI activities that were performed at the property.

If the data presented in the PDIR meets ROD RGs, a Final Status Survey Evaluation (FSSE) is then performed. 

A Final Status Survey Evaluation (FSSE) provides detailed information regarding:

(1) the survey process for soil and structures (including the design, methodology and approach for area-weighted averaging);

(2) the assessment of survey results for soil and structures (including statistical tests and data quality);

(3) an assessment of residual risk and dose; and

(4) conclusions.

An FSSE is conducted (at the St. Louis FUSRAP Sites) to ensure that any residual radioactivity complies with the criteria specified in the ROD (USACE 2005) for protecting human health and the environment.

If a property meets the ROD RGs during the PDIR/FSSE process, the property can be released. USACE then prepares a PDIR/FSSE for that property.

If the data in a PDIR demonstrates that the property doesn't meet ROD RGs. the property must be remediated. A Remedial Design/Remedial Action Work Plan (RD/RAWP) is prepared to remediate the property. The remediation is completed when the property meets the FSSE.

A Post-Remedial Action Report (PRAR) document is prepared when remedial activities are completed on a property. The PRAR documents the history, the site conditions and the response actions that occurred on a property. The collection of individual PRARs for each portion of the site will be used as the supporting documentation for development of the Final Close-Out Report.

After remedial activities are completed and the property meets the ROD RGs, properties are released under a PRAR/FSSE.


In 2010, USACE released the PRAR/FSSE for the following properties:

·         Parcel 10K530087 (9205 Latty Ave., Hazelwood, MO)

·         VP 1L (9151 Latty Ave., Berkeley, MO) (Excluding building interior. Interior remedial activities completed in 2013).


In 2012, USACE released the PRAR/FSSE for the following properties:

·         VP-2L (9150 Latty Ave., Berkeley, MO)

·         VP 3L (9060 Latty Ave., Berkeley, MO)

·         VP 4L (8966 Latty Ave., Berkeley, MO)

·         VP 5L (8942 Latty Ave., Berkeley, MO)

·         VP 6L (8999 Seeger Industrial Drive, Berkeley, MO).


In 2013, USACE completed remedial activities in the interior of the main building:

·         VP 1L (9151 Latty Ave., Berkeley, MO).


Post Remedial Action Reports/Final Status Survey Evaluations for Futura signed.


Post Remedial Action Reports/Final Status Survey Evaluations signed.

2015 onward 

Institutional and land use controls will contain contaminated soils at Futura.


USACE remediated formerly inaccessible contaminated soil under Latty Avenue utility poles (excavated and sent contaminated soils to a licensed, out-of-state disposal facility).


USACE had received permission from railroad to excavate under Futura fenceline, which was considered inaccessible because it was within 20 feet of railroad track. USACE designed and planned remediation of formerly inaccessible soils under Futura fenceline (to excavate and send contaminated soils to a licensed, out-of-state disposal facility).


USACE remediated formerly inaccessible soils under Futura fenceline (Iexcavated and sent contaminated soils to a licensed, out-of-state disposal facility).

Expand List item 19591Collapse List item 19591  Documents

Community Involvement Plan

Utility Support Policy

Visit the CIP page to view Community Involvement Plans administered by the St. Louis District:

Pre-Design Investigation Summary Report for St. Cin Park, the Archdiocese of St. Louis Property and Duchesne Park

Environmental Monitoring Implementation Plan for the North St. Louis County Sites for Calendar Year 2023 

Environmental Monitoring Implementation Plan for the North St. Louis County Sites for Calendar Year 2022

Environmental Monitoring Implementation Plan for the North St. Louis County Sites for Calendar Year 2021

Environmental Monitoring Implementation Plan for the North St. Louis County Sites for Calendar Year 2020

Environmental Monitoring Implementation Plan for the North St. Louis County Sites for Calendar Year 2019 

North St. Louis County Annual Environmental Monitoring Data and Analysis Report (EMDAR) for Calendar Year 2022

North St. Louis County Annual Environmental Monitoring Data and Analysis Report (EMDAR) for Calendar Year 2021

North St. Louis County Annual Environmental Monitoring Data and Analysis Report (EMDAR) for Calendar Year 2020

North St. Louis County Annual Environmental Monitoring Data and Analysis Report (EMDAR) for Calendar Year 2019

North St. Louis County Annual Environmental Monitoring Data and Analysis Report (EMDAR) for Calendar Year 2018

North St. Louis County Annual Environmental Monitoring Data and Analysis Report (EMDAR) for Calendar Year 2017

North St. Louis County Sites Annual Environmental Monitoring Data and Analysis Report for Calendar Year 2016

North St. Louis County Sites Annual Environmental Monitoring Data and Analysis Report for Calendar Year 2015

North St. Louis County Sites Annual Environmental Monitoring Data and Analysis Report for Calendar Year 2014

St. Louis District Sites

More about FUSRAP

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FUSRAP Mission

Protect human health and the environment.

Execute the approved alternative for cleaning up the radioactive contamination above health-based cleanup guidelines.

Minimize adverse impacts on residents and area business operations.

Return sites for appropriate beneficial use.

Expand List item 18862Collapse List item 18862  Contact Us 
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U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
St. Louis District 
FUSRAP Area Office
114 James S. McDonnell Blvd.
Hazelwood, MO 63042-3102