The Riverlands Migratory Bird Sanctuary is a closed refuge, allowing no hunting of any animal at any time of year. This area is a waterfowl rest area. Missouri Department of Conservation enforces these regulations.
Mississippi River: One can fish in the Mississippi River from the banks of Illinois or Missouri. Regulations require the person to have either a valid Illinois or Missouri fishing license to fish in the Mississippi River. These regulations are enforced by Illinois Department of Natural Resource and Missouri Department of Conservation Police Officers.
Ellis Bay : From October 1 to April 30, Ellis Bay is limited to bank fishing only. Boats are restricted from this area to allow for a waterfowl refuge during migrations.
Teal Pond: This resource is managed for recreational fisheries in cooperation with the Missouri Department of Conservation. Enforcement of fishing seasons, creel limits, and other regulations fall under the Missouri Wildlife Code, Special Management Areas. You must have a valid Missouri fishing license to fish at Teal Pond.
Riverlands Map
Chain of Rocks and Choteau Island Public Hunting Area Map *
* To hunt this area you must obtain a permit from either IDNR at Horseshoe Lake State Park, Granite City, IL or the Rivers Project Office, West Alton, MO.
Regulations for Chouteau Island are located at:
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